Tattoo Artist Claims Copyright Infringement Over Nike Ad

Both TigerLilly Tatto and Nike are local to my Beaverton, Oregon neighborhood.

Tattoo artist calls foul on Wallace ad

A Portland man who put a tat­too on the right arm of for­mer Trail Blazer Rasheed Wallace is suing to stop the for­ward from dis­play­ing the work in ads for Nike bas­ket­ball shoes. 

Matthew Reed from TigerLilly Tattoo and DesignWorks claims he owns the copy­right for the design of the tat­too. Reed’s law­suit wants the Nike ad fea­tur­ing Wallace and the tat­too off the air and the Internet, as well as damages.


6 thoughts on “Tattoo Artist Claims Copyright Infringement Over Nike Ad

  1. Eleri

    TLT is the place that fubared my ankle tat, and the own­er kvetched that it did­n’t have an outline.


    After 32 years in the TATTOO business,I have nev­er met a more talented,honest artist than Matt Reed and his crew.For to long the mag­a­zine world and oth­er media have made mon­ey off of the sweat and tal­ent of tat­too artists around the world.The media has has burned with lust as they line their pock­ets with MONEY from off col­or sto­ries and pic­tures feed­ing on a world that is so far above any­thing that they are able to under​stand​.It is about time we stand up to the mon­ey powerful!Matt has the guts we wished we had. WAY TO GO!!!

  3. C C

    Yes copy­right messed up the world. The mess is made. You let the dogs out and you can get bit in the butt. What goes around comes around. Nike pays the copy right of the tatoo artist or Nike does­nt deserve a copy right and every­one can copy nike. Greed vs Greed. It can’t win.

  4. one of a family of Matt Reed clients

    Matt Reed owns full rights to that tat­too design. For that dumb bas­ket­ball play­er to claim he designed it him­self is ludi­crous. I have seen ALOT 

  5. one of a family of Matt Reed clients

    Matt Reed owns full rights to that tat­too design. For that dumb bas­ket­ball play­er to claim he designed it him­self is ludi­crous. I have seen ALOT of Matt’s work-my dad is lit­er­al­ly cov­ered from the top of his head to his ankles-and there is no doubt whose work it is. Good luck to Matt!!!

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