Technical Difficulties. Please stand by.

Technical Difficulties. Please stand by.

The prob­lems with the pre­vi­ous host of iamPariah​.com just won’t end!

On Monday, 3 January 2005, the DNS name serv­er change, the move from the old host to the new one, became effec­tive. Thereafter, it should have just been a mat­ter of wait­ing a day or so for all the servers around the world to be informed of, and to accept, the change in the loca­tion of iamPariah​.com.

At 30 hours the change had­n’t pro­pogat­ed enough for me to reach my new serv­er despite the fact that it and my ISP both reside on the same back­bone. This, I was told, can hap­pen when an old­er, pop­u­lar domain is moved. Because iamPariah​.com is linked to from domains and servers all around the world, its old loca­tion was well-known to those servers and cached; it would take time for the new address to take effect.

Around hour 40 I was sud­den­ly able to con­nect to my new serv­er, though the con­nec­tion seemed ten­u­ous. Certain sec­tions of the site, cer­tain URLs on the domain, went to the new serv­er, oth­ers to the old. Checking e‑mail through Outlook one minute con­nect­ed to the new serv­er; in the next minute an e‑mail check errored out because it was access­ing the old serv­er. It alter­nat­ed like this all evening.

At 10PM PT (hour 45 after the DNS change) every­thing switched back to the old serv­er. A quick inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that that was the time the old host flushed its DNS name server–re-establishing its claim to my domain name despite my instructions.

With the con­nec­tions flip­ping between the new and the old servers, I can’t get the new one updat­ed cor­rect­ly. Nor can I check e‑mail.

If you’re read­ing this, I’m work­ing on it. Please bear with me while I work to resolve the host­ing difficulties.

6 thoughts on “Technical Difficulties. Please stand by.

  1. fl0w3r

    Well, I’m not sure if the work is all done yet, but I can tell you that it seems much faster than it used to be. Happy New Year, Pariah!

  2. Samuel John Klein

    It seems to all be work­ing very well at this point.

    I noticed you final­ly got the cov­et­ed “Nice Guy” cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Congratulations!



  3. Pariah S. Burke

    God! I havent’ read a fresh com­ment on this blog in oufr months! That’s how long it has been since the old host’s sys­tems began break­ing things–the first being commenting.

    It’s so good to read your voices!

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks, fl0w3r and Sam. It is WAY faster when the serv­er is actu­al­ly maintained. :-)

    WordPress helps. So does the fact that the site code is half the weight it used to be since I rebuilt the site from scratch in pure XHTML and CSS.

  4. Vix

    Welcome back pariah! It’s good to see you back blog­ging! Love Your lit­tle tune up there too.. Hee hee.. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR from New Zealand!

  5. Samuel John Klein

    One thing I’ve found so far is that when I let my cur­sor hov­er over the indi­vid­ual arti­cle titles is that a tooltip comes up read­ing thusly:

    Float Guts Row 1 Column 1and2”

    Which sounds some­what yucky. ;-)

  6. Pariah S. Burke

    Eeek! That’s struc­tur­al markup (com­ments) on the home­page. I see it too, but I don’t have the tools with me on the road to fix them.

    Damn. It’ll have to wait until I get home in a cou­ple of weeks.

    Thanks for point­ing that out, though.

    As you can prob­a­bly tell, the home­page is still under con­struc­tion. I had hoped to have it fin­ished before I left for Texas, but pro writ­ing pri­or­i­ties had to take prece­dence over per­son­al writ­ing priorities.

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