Creative Community Bulletin 12 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 10 Cost-Effective Ways to Delight Your Design Clients
    The design indus­try is high­ly com­pet­i­tive. There is always some­one on your heels wait­ing to take the next job or to sweep a client out from under you. Being able to retain your clients is essen­tial in this mar­ket, and repeat busi­ness will be th…
  • Designing Effective Carousels (aka Web Slideshows, Sliders)
    Summary: Carousels allow mul­ti­ple pieces of con­tent to occu­py a sin­gle, cov­et­ed space. This may pla­cate cor­po­rate infight­ing, but on large- or small-view ports, peo­ple often scroll past carousels. A sta­t­ic hero or inte­grat­ing con­tent in the UI …
  • Color Trends for 2014

    According to the Executive Director, Leatrice Eiseman:
    “This sea­son, con­sumers are look­ing for a state of thought­ful, emo­tion­al and artis­tic equi­lib­ri­um. While this need for sta­bil­i­ty is reflect­ed in the com­po­si­tion of the palette, the inher­ent ver­sa­til­i­ty of the indi­vid­ual col­ors allows for exper­i­men­ta­tion with new looks and col­or combinations.””

  • How to Choose Effective Stock Photos

    With the pletho­ra of stock pho­tos avail­able for use, it’s easy to become over­whelmed by the thou­sands of choic­es. Image resources that were meant to be quick, con­ve­nient ways to fill design needs can quick­ly turn into a tedious task of sort­ing, com­par­ing, and vet­ting var­i­ous stock pho­to options. Many of these pho­tos tend to have an almost “san­i­tized” look to them, and although a lot of these images are meant for all-purpose use, many fall short of their pur­pose and lack gen­uine e

  • Silicon America: A Map of Tech Hubs in America
    “Here’s a list of places in America that are nip­ping on Silicon Valley’s heels.”
  • 10 Ways to Rethink Your Lists
    Here then are some of the lessons from lists past that I think about when assem­bling my own and exam­in­ing those of others.
  • 10 Ways to Rethink Your Lists
    Here then are some of the lessons from lists past that I think about when assem­bling my own and exam­in­ing those of others.
  • The iPad Mini Is For Snobs, The Kindle Fire Is For Dumb-Dumbs
    Using advanced (read: 4th-grade-level) math­e­mat­ics, we have con­clud­ed that the iPad Mini will be used by smart people/awful snobs.
  • 4 Essential UX Resources
    Fundamental parts of user expe­ri­ence which lead to the cre­ation of great products.
  • Why Women Collaborate, Men Work Alone, And Everybody’s Angry
  • Top 4 Reasons to Use WordPress as Your Blogging Platform

    WordPress is espe­cial­ly use­ful for blog­gers of all types because of the enor­mous plu­g­in data­base that it sports. If there isn’t a plu­g­in already made for what you are look­ing for, the answer is to sim­ply look hard­er. WordPress has a very active com­mu­ni­ty of both pro­fes­sion­al and ama­teur coders, all look­ing to expand upon the pro­gram and make it more user-friendly. Be it a more inter­ac­tive attempt at a port­fo­lio, or mak­ing your word­press ecom­merce ven­ture more prof­itable, there is undoubt­ed­ly a plu­g­in for this that will make the process much eas­i­er for you, your vis­i­tors, and any of your poten­tial cus­tomers, should that be what you want your blog to be used for.”