Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 22 September 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Comic Sans, Its History and Why It DOESN’T Suck

    And so peo­ple pile on Comic Sans in a way that they’d nev­er pick on nerds in school. And every time you see your library or your com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter mak­ing a poster with Comic Sans — “Hey, come to the pup­pet show!” — there’s a bit of a nose wrin­kle, an almost-sneer. Like they didn’t get the memo. Like they don’t even know. Like a pup­pet show is seri­ous business.

    But think back to 1994. We’d just got­ten the graph­i­cal web and all web page back­grounds were grey. Cutting edge at this point was chang­ing that col­or to white. Microsoft’s web­site — you know, the peo­ple who released Comic Sans — looked like this. 

  • How to cre­ate mood boards: 40 pro tips and tools
    Mood boards can be a great way to con­vey your design idea, win pitch­es and get an ear­ly sign-off. Follow our expert advice on how to cre­ate them.
  • The 42 best free WordPress themes
    In this arti­cle we’ve select­ed some of the very best free WordPress themes for you to use in your projects. Each is not only free to use and open to the pub­lic but also offers some­thing spe­cial and unique.
  • Improve Search & Learning Skills In Kids From The Bing Homepage
    A recent post on the offi­cial Microsoft blog demon­strat­ed the sim­ple approach: The high-quality home­page image is con­nect­ed to free les­son plans which have been designed around the image, and grad­ed for kids from K‑4 to K‑12. You can access the…
  • The 6 Secrets to Web Design for an Arabic Audience
    Brightlemon’s Leon Tong and Inspiral Design’s Mukhtar Sanders reveal how to design for an Arabic audience.
  • 9 Of The Best Free Backup Plug-ins For WordPress

    Luckily, there are a huge num­ber of plug-ins to help you effec­tive­ly back­up your web­site and pre­pare for any future prob­lems. The only thing is, there’s so many of these plug-ins, it’s hard to know where to begin and often, it can seem like the only option is to pur­chase a pre­mi­um plug-in.

  • The History (and a Showcase) of the Ampersand
    But many design­ers have lit­tle knowl­edge about the ori­gin and mean­ing of the amper­sand. The amper­sand has a long and rather inter­est­ing his­to­ry, though.

    And with all the vari­a­tions avail­able out there, there are a whole host of design possibil…

  • The Comic Book Industry Is On Fire As Sales Skyrocket–And Not Just Because of Films
    Last year’s 85 mil­lion print unit sales for the top 300 com­ic books was the high­est num­ber since 2007, and that does not count increas­ing­ly sig­nif­i­cant graph­ic nov­el and dig­i­tal sales nor a grow­ing num­ber of sales beyond the top 300. Even thoug…
  • These Productivity Wallpapers Change Color As the Day Drags On (Win & Mac)
    When you’re in the zone, it’s easy to lose track of time, for­get to take breaks, and for­get how long you’ve been work­ing. Reader Alejandro decid­ed to use Windows’ built-in wall­pa­per rota­tion fea­ture and some color-coded wall­pa­pers to keep track…
  • Don’t Get Screwed: The Contract Provisions Every Creative Needs to Know

    Putting togeth­er a con­tract can seem intim­i­dat­ing, but it doesn’t have to be. While it would be great to be able to hire an attor­ney to draft or review every con­tract, that’s not an afford­able option for most peo­ple. The good news is that even a basic agree­ment that you write your­self is bet­ter than hav­ing no writ­ten agree­ment at all, pro­vid­ed that it’s clear, unam­bigu­ous, and cov­ers the essen­tials of your busi­ness arrangement.

  • Stuck for a brand name? Look up mytho­log­i­cal fig­ures by what they stood for.
    Search for gods by sub­ject. The best way to find the god of a par­tic­u­lar thing.
  • Be More Memorable: How to Better Answer the 3 Questions You Always Get Asked When Meeting Someone New
    Almost every time you meet some­one new, there are three ques­tions you will prob­a­bly have to answer dur­ing your conversation: