Survey: What Would You Like to Learn?

I write a lot of arti­cles for cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket pub­li­ca­tions like InDesign Magazine, Macworld, Publish, CreativePro​.com, and many oth­ers. I speak at cre­ative pro con­fer­ences as well, such as the InDesign Seminar Tour, the Designer/Developer Workflow Conference, and oth­ers. Lately I’ve also begun doing a lot of webinars/eseminars, includ­ing a free week­ly webi­nar every Tuesday. Even more late­ly I’ve become involved in pro­duc­ing and orga­niz­ing edu­ca­tion­al con­tent cre­at­ed by oth­er gurus and instructors.

All of these activ­i­ties are built around the idea that I can teach some­thing to cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als. What I teach is dic­tat­ed by my audiences–what they tell me they want to know. I’m always look­ing for that feedback–what do you, as a cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al, want to learn? What can I teach you? And, if you want to know some­thing I can’t teach you, maybe I know some­one who can (I know just about every­body in this field).

So, here’s your chance–tell me what you want to learn. Or tell me what you don’t know. All the cre­ative indus­try edu­ca­tion­al mate­r­i­al I pro­duce or direct oth­ers to pro­duce is open to be rede­fined by you. We–I–serve you and your needs. Tell me what they are, and I can all but guar­an­tee to address them in some media.

Tell me what you want to learn with the form below. You can fill it out as many times as you like–don’t be shy, tell me every­thing you can think of you’d like to learn, and even take a stab at explain­ing the stuff you don’t know you don’t know.