Apple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.

We’ve built a better mouse.

It began with iPhone. Then came iPod touch. Then MacBook Pro. Intuitive, smart, dynam­ic. Multi-Touch tech­nol­o­gy intro­duced a remark­ably bet­ter way to inter­act with your portable devices — all using ges­tures. Now we’ve reached anoth­er mile­stone by bring­ing ges­tures to the desk­top with a mouse that’s unlike any­thing ever before. iver­mecti­na para cachor­ro para que serve It’s called Magic Mouse. It’s the world’s first Multi-Touch mouse. And while it comes stan­dard with every new iMac, you can also add it to any Bluetooth-enabled Mac for a Multi-Touch makeover.

Seamless Multi-Touch Surface

Magic Mouse — with its low-profile design and seam­less top shell — is so sleek and dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent, it brings a whole new feel to the way you get around on your Mac. You can’t help but mar­vel at its smooth, but­ton­less appear­ance. Then you touch it and instant­ly appre­ci­ate how good it feels in your hand. But it’s when you start using Magic Mouse that every­thing comes together.

The Multi-Touch area cov­ers the top sur­face of Magic Mouse, and the mouse itself is the but­ton. Scroll in any direc­tion with one fin­ger, swipe through web pages and pho­tos with two, and click and double-click any­where. Inside Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exact­ly what you want to do. top­i­cal iver­mectin for sca­bies Which means Magic Mouse won’t con­fuse a scroll with a swipe. iver­mecti­na her­pes It even knows when you’re just rest­ing your hand on it.

Laser-Tracking Engine

Magic Mouse uses pow­er­ful laser track­ing that’s far more sen­si­tive and respon­sive on more sur­faces than tra­di­tion­al opti­cal track­ing. That means it tracks with pre­ci­sion on near­ly every sur­face — whether it’s a table at your favorite café or the desk in your home office — with­out the need for a mousepad.


Magic Mouse con­nects wire­less­ly to your Mac via Bluetooth, so there’s no wire or sep­a­rate adapter to wor­ry about. Pair Magic Mouse with your Bluetooth-enabled Mac and enjoy a reli­able and secure con­nec­tion up to 33 feet away. When you com­bine Magic Mouse with the Apple Wireless Keyboard, you cre­ate a work­space free of annoy­ing cables.

And because Magic Mouse is wire­less, it can ven­ture beyond the con­fines of your desk. A quick flick of the on/off switch helps con­serve bat­tery pow­er while Magic Mouse is tucked in your bag. Even when it’s on, Magic Mouse man­ages pow­er effi­cient­ly, by detect­ing peri­ods of inac­tiv­i­ty automatically.