Blog... Crumbling... MT... Dying...

This blog and the Saturday Slant will be down for a cou­ple of weeks because Movable Type is falling apart.

The soft­ware on which blog runs, Movable Type run­ning off a SQL data­base, is crum­bling. It’s dying, a piece at a time. Comments died some weeks ago, pre­vent­ing anyone–including me–from post­ing comments.

Now, it’s a strug­gle to even get a post to pub­lish. بطولات روما

I have to fix the blog–read: replace the aging and crum­bling MT–but I’m on the road through Thanksgiving. I can’t effect major changes to the site from here.

I’ve been work­ing on a rebuild of the site, mov­ing it from HTML to all xHTML/PHP and standards-compliant CSS. ويسترن يونيون الكويت اون لاين Now my timetable has to accelerate.

In the days fol­low­ing Thanksgiving replac­ing the blog soft­ware and fin­ish­ing up the site rebuild will be at the top of my pri­or­i­ty list. كيفية لعب بلاك جاك Until then, don’t expect much from this site, includ­ing Saturday Slants.