This blog and the Saturday Slant will be down for a couple of weeks because Movable Type is falling apart.
The software on which blog runs, Movable Type running off a SQL database, is crumbling. It’s dying, a piece at a time. Comments died some weeks ago, preventing anyone–including me–from posting comments.
Now, it’s a struggle to even get a post to publish. بطولات روما
I have to fix the blog–read: replace the aging and crumbling MT–but I’m on the road through Thanksgiving. I can’t effect major changes to the site from here.
I’ve been working on a rebuild of the site, moving it from HTML to all xHTML/PHP and standards-compliant CSS. ويسترن يونيون الكويت اون لاين Now my timetable has to accelerate.
In the days following Thanksgiving replacing the blog software and finishing up the site rebuild will be at the top of my priority list. كيفية لعب بلاك جاك Until then, don’t expect much from this site, including Saturday Slants.