After a while of trying to figure out how I wanted it, I finally did something useful with categories today.
As you can see in the secondary and terciary navigation links at left (between this column and the photo), I’ve expanded the single “Categories” link, which links to a category index, to include links to the individual categories. More importantly, each post now displays its category (or categories) in all indexes as well as prominently within the individual post page. Click the title of this post to see the latter.
I’ve also tweaked a number navigational and UI elements site-wide. For a full listing see About: Site: Timeline.
I’m pretty excited about the addition of user-viewable categories to the blog. I get frequent requests for easier access to more of my fiction, and my posts about Quark v. InDesign are incredibly popular and often referenced around the world. Now they’re easier to find.
I want to add category Trackback capabilities and listings somewhere, somehow, but I’m not entirely sure how to go about it. It isn’t the code that has me stopped–I can grok through that pretty easily. It’s more of the user interface and placement. I mean, where would be a good place for a list of category Trackback pings? Should I put a “see also” in each post in a given category? Should I create a popup? Should I add it to the category archive page? I don’t know. Part of it is that I’m not really sure what I’d be looking at once the list did start to populate.
It would be a big help if I could see others’ implementation of Trackback lists, especially at the category level. If you know of any sites displaying Trackback lists, again, especially category Trackback lists, please let me know. I’d really like to see what they’ve done. You can also respond to my post on the Movable Type forum.