Color Scheme Tool Accounts For Color Blindness

Picture of Color Scheme by Pixy with zoom into color blindness settings
Color Scheme by Pixy 

Cruising Toni Allen’s design post archives I found this post, Comprehensive Color Tool, which links to Color Scheme by Pixy. Color Scheme is a free, web-based col­or scheme tool with almost as much pow­er as paid appli­ca­tions like Color Impact. What real­ly sets Color Scheme by Pixy apart from any oth­er col­or pick­er tool I’ve used is some­thing very, very cool: it accounts for col­or blindness.

After choos­ing your col­ors, Color Scheme by Pixy let’s you pre­view the col­ors as if through the eyes of peo­ple with var­i­ous types of color-blindness–protanopy (which affects 1% of men), deuter­a­nopy (anoth­er 1% of men), deuter­a­nom­aly (which affects 5% of men and 0.4% of women), as well as five oth­er types of color-blindness.

With “acces­si­bil­i­ty” on every­one’s tongues, right behind “stan­dards,” a tool like Color Scheme by Pixy could prove amaz­ing­ly useful.

[Also post­ed to the Design Weblog, the JavaScript Weblog, and the Nanopublishing Weblog]