Piece of Web History

This seems so far away now, almost as far away as the inven­tion of the print­ing press. I’m nos­tal­gic and hum­bled at the same time.

WWW-Talk Jan-Mar 1993: pro­posed new tag: IMG

I’d like to pro­pose a new, option­al HTML tag:


Required argu­ment is SRC=“url”.

This names a bitmap or pixmap file for the brows­er to attempt to pull over the net­work and inter­pret as an image, to be embed­ded in the text at the point of the tag’s occurrence.

An exam­ple is:

<IMG SRC=“file://​foo​bar​.com/​f​o​o​/​b​a​r​/​b​l​a​r​gh.xbm”>

(There is no clos­ing tag; this is just a stand­alone tag.)

This tag can be embed­ded in an anchor like any­thing else; when that hap­pens, it becomes an icon that’s sen­si­tive to acti­va­tion just like a reg­u­lar text anchor.

Browsers should be afford­ed flex­i­bil­i­ty as to which image for­mats they sup­port. Xbm and Xpm are good ones to sup­port, for exam­ple. If a brows­er can­not inter­pret a giv­en for­mat, it can do what­ev­er it wants instead (X Mosaic will pop up a default bitmap as a placeholder).

This is required func­tion­al­i­ty for X Mosaic; we have this work­ing, and we’ll at least be using it inter­nal­ly. I’m cer­tain­ly open to sug­ges­tions as to how this should be han­dled with­in HTML; if you have a bet­ter idea than what I’m pre­sent­ing now, please let me know. I know this is hazy wrt image for­mat, but I don’t see an alter­na­tive than to just say “let the brows­er do what it can” and wait for the per­fect solu­tion to come along (MIME, some­day, maybe).

Let me know what you think.….….


Marc Andreessen
Software Development Group
National Center for Supercomputing Applications