Courtesy of our friends over at Vecteezy, is giving away an exclusive set of 36 multimedia icons free for personal and commercial use. The icons themselves are a stylized retro sticker motif that stand out well from usual icon sets. You can check out Vecteezy’s other multimedia icons here.
The set includes:
- Photoshop PSD: All icons are fully layered, including separate, editable per-icon layers for the foreground imagery, the background color, and the dropshadows.
- Illustrator AI: All icon components are separate vector objects, enabling you to completely edit not only the color of each object within the icon, but the shape and style of each object as well. You have unlimited customization options.
- EPS Vector: An EPS vector version identical to, and with all the customization options of, the Adobe Illustrator AI file but for import into those rare vector editors that can’t directly open AI files.
[su_button url=“” style=“flat” background=“#47d600” color=”#ffffff” wide=“yes” center=“yes” radius=“20” icon=“icon: download” class=“button noicon”]Download Now[/su_button]
Mobile download. Scan the following code with your mobile device camera.
[su_qrcode data=“” title=“Download Multimedia Icon Set” size=“200” align=“center” color=“#333333”]
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