Importing Text from Microsoft Word in Adobe Illustrator

More and more late­ly, Illustrator users are being asked to include pas­sages, some­times mul­ti­ple pages of, text in doc­u­ments. That tex­tu­al con­tent often comes from writ­ers and edi­tors using Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and oth­er appli­ca­tions that cre­ate Word files. In this tuto­r­i­al clip, you’ll learn how to import to Illustrator CC text from Microsoft Word and Word-formatted files cre­at­ed by oth­er word proces­sors and about the dif­fer­ent options avail­able dur­ing that import.

Excerpted from Pariah Burke’s com­pre­hen­sive Pluralsight video course, Illustrator CC Typography.