Using the Touch Type Tool in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator’s Touch Type Tool is a pow­er­ful, quick, and FUN way of trans­form­ing one or more let­ters with­in live, fully-editable type with­out hav­ing to jump around to a bunch of fields and pan­els. In this tuto­r­i­al clip, you’ll learn to use the Touch Type Tool on a logo design to quick­ly move, rotate, and resize a let­ter with­in the logo type with­out ever even touch­ing the Character or Transform pan­els. iver­mec­tine essai clin­ique You’ll also see how you can use your fin­gers to accom­plish all the same trans­for­ma­tions on touch­screens. how does iver­mectin treat rosacea

Excerpted from Pariah Burke’s com­pre­hen­sive Pluralsight video course, Illustrator CC Typography.