Using Warichu in Japanese Text - Illustrator Typography

Warichu—or split annotation—is the East Asian typo­graph­ic method of set­ting sec­ondary or less impor­tant text in small­er dou­ble or triple lines. Adobe Illustrator CC has full sup­port for East Asian typog­ra­phy, includ­ing robust Warichu options. In this tuto­r­i­al clip from the 50-minute mod­ule (chap­ter) on “Working with Asian and Indic Type” in Pariah Burke’s Illustrator CC Typography video course, you will learn all the ins and outs of set­ting Warichu text in Adobe Illustrator CC.

Excerpted from Pariah Burke’s com­pre­hen­sive Pluralsight video course, Illustrator CC Typography.