Validated As A Journalist

Warning: Babble to follow.

Completely by acci­dent I stum­bled across this–follow this link, about 1/3 of the way down the page.

For me, this is pro­fes­sion­al val­i­da­tion as a jour­nal­ist! As, if not the num­ber one, one of Adobe’s top 5 fans, it’s also a per­son­al thrill. I’m so elated!

Adobe’s clip­ping ser­vice found my sto­ry, and some­one in the PR depart­ment read it, chose a quote, grabbed my colum­n’s logo, and chose to pub­lish it in a par­tic­u­lar order on Adobe​.com.

The Design Weblog

Adobe dri­ves the VDP band­wag­on with new VDP Resource Center

Now that the mar­ket­ing, adver­tis­ing, and design indus­tries are final­ly begin­ning to under­stand the val­ue of VDP in the print world, Adobe is, typ­i­cal­ly, already sit­ting in the dri­ver’s seat.”

— Pariah S. Burke
