"Weird Al" Yankovic Releases An Anthem for the Educated

I’m cheer­ing. I am, in between typ­ing every few words–there I go again–jumping up from my chair, throw­ing my arms above my head, and cheer­ing in the man­ner of World Cup fans cel­e­brat­ing goals.

Why am I doing this, you might ask.

I’m cheer­ing because I just dis­cov­ered the new song and accom­pa­ny­ing music video above, both of which released just hours ago. The song, a par­o­dy of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”, is an anthem for any­one who remem­bers his or her junior high school English edu­ca­tion and is annoyed by the preva­lence of lazy, will­ful­ly igno­rant den­i­gra­tion of the lan­guage in mod­ern writ­ten communication.

Mr. Yankovic, I thank you, most sin­cere­ly, for “Word Crimes”. As you are no doubt aware, the world needs the song, its won­der­ful­ly elu­ci­dat­ing video, and the basic damned com­mon sense they preach. Thank you, Mr. Yankovic. Thank you!

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#WeirdAlYankovicHasABigDictionary, #WordCrimes, and #WeirdAlYankovic