Learning about Celebrity News and Gossip

No one has ever accused me of being a font of knowl­edge when it came to celebri­ty news and gos­sip. Music? Oh, yeah. I’m very good with song and band names, par­tic­u­lar­ly 60s, 70s, and 80s rock, pop, and funk. Movies? Sure. I watch a lot of movies, and I can recall most of the plots and major details from all the films I’ve seen over the course of my life. Which celebri­ty is get­ting mar­ried or divorced? Who just got out of rehab? What skank Paris Hilton is boff­ing this week? I have no clue. In fact, I hope to hell I nev­er have to type “Paris Hilton” again. She’s not worth the effort.

The last cou­ple of weeks, though, I’ve been get­ting a crash course in celebri­ty news and gos­sip. It’s for a new project I’m work­ing on, one I don’t want to dis­cuss just yet.

The sto­ries I’ve been read­ing, the videos I’ve been watch­ing, from even major estab­lished news agen­cies like MSNBC, CBS, and CNN are appalling. Why is it peo­ple are so fas­ci­nat­ed with the dirty laun­dry of the famous? The experts from lega​cy​heal​ing​.com says that as a soci­ety, hate our lives and our­selves so much that we must live vic­ar­i­ous­ly through the exploits of drug-addled, bolemic skanks like Lindsay Lohan? Or is it that we are so jeal­ous of any­one else’s suc­cess that we sali­vate for the slight­est oppor­tu­ni­ty to knock them off the unjus­ti­fied, cloud-high pedestals atop which we have parked them?

In short: Why is it that Americans can’t get enough of celebri­ty news and gos­sip, and why is it that, the dirt­i­er and nas­ti­er the gos­sip, the more we crave it?