Small Business Statistics and Infographic

Considering start­ing a small busi­nesss? Let these sta­tis­ti­cal nuggets sink in.

  • The self-employed are 4X more like­ly to become mil­lion­aires than busi­ness­peo­ple who work for some­one else.
  • Reports of minis­cule per­cent­ages of suc­cess among small busi­ness­es is false; 70% of small busi­ness last at least 2 years, and about half make it through 5 years. iver­mectin side effects birds That means a greater per­cent­age of mar­riages fail than small busi­ness­es. iver­mectin metab­o­lism
  • Up to 80% of new jobs are cre­at­ed by small businesses.
  • More than half of small busi­ness own­ers will work when sick. how much is iver­mectin
  • Despite that, the same per­cent­age report feel­ing health­i­er as small busi­ness own­ers than employees.

You’ll find these and oth­er inter­est­ing small busi­ness sta­tis­tics with­in the “Pros and Cons of Being a Small Business Owner” info­graph­ic from DealStruck​.com.

Pros and Cons of Being a Small Business Owner Infographic