Mastering InDesign CS5 for Print Design & Production

The book used by ITT Tech­ni­cal Insti­tute to teach InDesign worldwide.

Comprehensive ref­er­ence and tuto­r­i­al on Adobe InDesign CS5

If you want to thor­ough­ly mas­ter InDesign from the basics through advanced top­ics, Mastering InDesign CS5 for Print Design and Production is the book you need. Written by the for­mer InDesign tech­ni­cal lead for Adobe, this book helps you achieve pro­fes­sion­al results through effi­cient pro­duc­tion work­flows and advanced tech­niques. You’ll learn how to col­lab­o­rate with­in work­groups; work effi­cient­ly with text, objects, and vari­able text; per­fect your print­ed out­put; get the most out of InDesign’s trans­paren­cy and effects tools, and much more. Above all, you’ll see how to han­dle pre­press to get the results you want.

  • Shows you how to use Adobe InDesign CS5 to achieve pro­fes­sion­al results
  • Written by the for­mer InDesign tech­ni­cal lead for Adobe, who, in addi­tion to his tech­ni­cal exper­tise, offers his own valu­able advice and lessons learned from 20 years in the graph­ic design business
  • Offers com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age of top­ics, step-by-step instruc­tion, and numer­ous exam­ples and case studies

Whether you’re just start­ing with InDesign or a pro­fes­sion­al using it every day, this com­pre­hen­sive guide will take your skills to a new level.
From the Back Cover

Master the Power of InDesign to Get Professional Print and Prepress Results

If you’re a busy design­er rac­ing dai­ly dead­lines, the last thing you need is fluff. Mastering InDesign CS5 for Print Design and Production vaults you straight into the prac­ti­cal, every­day tech­niques you need to get pro­fes­sion­al results, today. Each chap­ter gets right to the point and cov­ers what pro­fes­sion­als need to mas­ter to work more effi­cient­ly: text, draw­ing, doc­u­ments, pre­flight, col­lab­o­ra­tion, and much more. Written by the for­mer InDesign tech­ni­cal lead for Adobe and packed with his invalu­able advice, this book shows you how to make InDesign’s tools work the way you work—saving time, improv­ing results, and free­ing you to focus on the creative.

Coverage includes:

  • The new fea­tures of InDesign CS5 and how and why you should use them
  • Setting up press-ready pages and spreads with bleed, slug, and live areas
  • Placing and fit­ting images rapid­ly and accurately
  • Using lay­ers, guides, grids, tem­plates, and libraries to speed the design process
  • Improving pro­duc­tiv­i­ty through reusable set­tings and assets
  • Working with InCopy to incor­po­rate collaboration
  • Customizing InDesign’s tools to meet the demands of dai­ly deadlines
  • Exploring all that InDesign can do with text, char­ac­ters, and documents
  • Revolutionizing your work­flow by using pages and sto­ries effectively
  • Mastering essen­tial cal­i­bra­tion and col­or man­age­ment steps, even for grayscale jobs
  • Printing well and accu­rate­ly with the right pre­flight­ing procedures
  • Getting more effi­cient and more cre­ative using smart workflows
  • Optimize InDesign CS5 to Meet Your Print and Prepress Needs
  • Find Sophisticated Solutions to Everyday Design Challenges
  • Export Files to PDF, ePUB, IDML, XML, Flash®, HTML/XHTML, and JPEG
  • Review Your Knowledge with “Master It” Questions
  • Reinforce Skills with Real-World Examples and Case Studies