InCopy CC Building on the Fundamentals

Following the foun­da­tion of learn­ing in the InCopy CC Fundamentals course, this course builds on the writ­ing and col­lab­o­rat­ing skills you’ve already learned to flesh out your sto­ries and doc­u­ments with styling and formatting.

Publishing work­flow expert Pariah Burke will show you how to save and reap­ply for­mat­ting with styles and tem­plates, cre­ate and for­mat tabs and tables, work with Excel data in InCopy, and insert, resize, crop, and auto­mat­i­cal­ly fit images into pub­li­ca­tions. Writers and edi­tors who crave effi­cien­cy and productivity—which should be all writ­ers and editors—will rel­ish all the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty pow­ers of InCopy cov­ered in the Saving Time lesson.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to style the text, tabs, tables, and even images in your doc­u­ments, whether those are stand­alone doc­u­ments you’ll out­put from InCopy direct­ly or send them on to pro­duc­tion per­son­nel work­ing in InDesign.

Course Contents

Formatting Text

  • Choosing Font Families and Styles
  • Setting Type Size and Leading
  • Adding Paragraph Spacing
  • Indenting Paragraphs
  • Aligning Paragraphs
  • Aligning Relative to Spine
  • Creating Dropcaps
  • Understanding Kerning
  • Manually Adjusting Kerning
  • Tracking Text Tighter and Looser
  • Transforming Type Case
  • Styling Type Case
  • Using Small Caps
  • Enabling Swashes and Contextual Alternates
  • Using Superscript and Subscript
  • Exploiting True Fractions
  • Triggering Ordinals
  • Injecting Slashed Zeros
  • Understanding Ligatures
  • Using Discretionary Ligatures
  • Choosing Numeral Cases
  • Coloring Text Fills and Outlines
  • Creating Custom Color Swatches
  • Underlining Text
  • Styling Underlines
  • Striking Through Text
  • Adding Paragraph Rules and Borders
  • Shading Paragraphs
  • Numbering Lists
  • Defining Multi-Level Lists
  • Applying Numbered Lists
  • Making Bulleted Lists
  • Picking Custom Bullets
  • Gaining Total Control Over Lists
  • Formatting Footnote References
  • Formatting Footnotes

Working with Styles

  • Applying Paragraph Styles
  • Creating Paragraph Styles
  • Visually Defining Paragraph Styles
  • Basing Styles on Each Other
  • Configuring Next Style for Automatic Styling
  • Understanding Character Styles
  • Working with Character Styles
  • Sorting Styles
  • Organizing Styles into Groups
  • Applying Styles from the Keyboard

Working with Tabs and Tables

  • Positioning Tabs
  • Aligning Tabbed Text to the Right
  • Aligning Columnar Data
  • Creating and Styling Tab Leaders
  • Importing Data from Excel
  • Importing with Formatting from Excel
  • Creating Tables
  • Selecting, Adding, and Deleting Rows and Columns
  • Resizing Rows and Columns
  • Filling and Stroking Rows, Columns, and Tables
  • Styling Cells
  • Working with Table Styles and Cell Styles

Working with Images

  • Placing Images
  • Resizing and Cropping Images
  • Fitting Images

Saving Time

  • Shorthanding Repetitive Typing with Text Macros
  • Shorthanding Formatted Text
  • Creating Dynamic Text Variables
  • Exploring Text Variable Types
  • Working with Custom Text Variables
  • Searching and Replacing with Find/Change
  • Searching and Replacing by Formatting and Style
  • Searching and Replacing Special Characters, Markers, Wildcards, and Glyphs
  • Advanced Searching and Replacing with GREP
  • Saving and Recalling Find/Change Queries
  • Creating InCopy Templates