Sandee Cohen Likes My

GurusUnleashed​.com is a very cool web resource for expert infor­ma­tion on a wide vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, cre­at­ed by the nicest man in our field, Pariah S. Burke. The con­cept is bril­liant. Instead …

Twitter Down, World Stops

Today Twitter went down at 14:00 (2 PM) Pacific for sched­uled main­te­nance. During that time, the world stopped for many Twitter users–and not just for the no-life, shut-in kind of Twitter users.

Don't Dig Diigo

I wish I could use next gen­er­a­tion book­mark­ing, link shar­ing, and online col­lab­o­ra­tion ser­vice, Diigo, but I can’t con­nect the ser­vice to any out­side technology.