The Wild, Wild West of ePublishing

Digital pub­lish­ing isn’t the future, it’s the present. With iPads and smart­phones lit­er­al­ly every­where, that truth is self-evident. No, print is not dead, but print no longer means just ink on paper; print means deliv­er­ing con­tent through any and all phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal forms your audi­ence might use. But does that mean using Adobe DPS, Aquafadas, PressRun, Mag+, Issuu, Zinio, PixelMags, EPUB or KF8 ebooks, PDF, HTML5, Flash, Apple iBooks, or…?

Which for­mats deliv­er the con­tent you need? Which deliv­ery chan­nels reach your audi­ence? Which sys­tems fit into your budget?

All of these ques­tions and more are answered in The Wild, Wild West of ePublishing. This course lays out for you all the for­mats, sys­tems, chan­nels, and devices you have for pub­lish­ing con­tent through elec­tron­ic means. It shows you each option’s pros and its cons, dis­cuss­es each option’s pric­ing and poli­cies, and iden­ti­fies who can and can­not see con­tent dis­trib­uted in that option.

At the end of this course you will know what for­mat, sys­tem, and chan­nel you want to dive into for your next dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing project. You will also pos­sess a strong under­stand­ing of the entire­ty of the dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing landscape.

This course includes at least 30 min­utes for Q&A to address spe­cif­ic ques­tions, sce­nar­ios, and workflows.