Creative Community Bulletin 07 January 2011 Through 09 February 2011

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 07 January 2011 through 09 February 2011:

  • Type History: What a Difference a Century Makes | CreativePro​.com – A few months back, I took a stroll down mem­o­ry lane to revis­it some pop­u­lar faces from the 1980s that have been neglect­ed recent­ly and deserve a bet­ter fate. But now I’m reach­ing a bit far­ther back–a cen­tu­ry back, in fact, to 1909–to see what Section 6, Part 2, of my revered Volume 204 of the International Correspondence School Reference Library calls “the best adver­tis­ing, cat­a­log, book­let, and fold­er types.” Even if I had revivals in mind, I’d be out of luck; most of these faces nev­er made the tran­si­tion from met­al to digital.
  • Microsoft is Imagining a NUI future – The Official Microsoft Blog – News and Perspectives from Microsoft – Site Home – TechNet Blogs – Natural and intu­itive tech­nol­o­gy like Kinect can be more than just a great plat­form for gam­ing and enter­tain­ment – it opens up enor­mous oppor­tu­ni­ties to address soci­etal prob­lems such as health­care, edu­ca­tion, and pro­vid­ing greater access for per­sons with disabilities.
  • Record or Videotape Police in Chicago, Massachusetts, Oregon? Go to Jail – spend­ing the next decade and a half on a prison cot, many in oth­er states face sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tions. Massachusetts and Oregon both make it ille­gal to dig­i­tal­ly record (i.e. “eaves­drop”) on an offi­cer. And a num­ber of states are con­sid­er­ing sim­i­lar legislation.
  • Microsoft Tests the iPhone App Waters With OneNote Mobile – Microsoft has released its first iPhone app with ties to its Office appli­ca­tion suite, OneNote Mobile for iPhone. The app, which Microsoft says is free “for a lim­it­ed time,” lets users access, edit and cre­ate notes from the iPhone. These notes can are then synced over the cloud with the OneNote web app or OneNote for Office 2010.

    OneNote is sim­i­lar to note-sharing ser­vices like Evernote; the dif­fer­ence is OneNote is tied tight­ly to the Office ecosys­tem and its focus has large­ly been on the desk­top rather than the cloud or on mobile devices.

  • iPhone 5, iPad 2 to focus on social net­work­ing | Benzinga​.com – Another recent Apple patent shows the com­pa­ny is devel­op­ing an iPhone location-based social net­work­ing app call iGroups. The new fea­ture is appar­ent­ly inspired by the location-based social net­work start up Foursquare, which has a pop­u­lar iPhone app. iGroups will like­ly work with Apple’s cloud-based MobileMe ser­vice, which will be enhanced with GPS features.
  • Twitter Sued For Connecting Celebrities Online – Twitter is being slapped with a law­suit that involves Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, and all of the oth­er star-studded tweet­ers using the microblog­ging ser­vice.

    VS Technologies is suing Twitter for infring­ing on a patent patent, filed in 2000, for a “Method and sys­tem for cre­at­ing an inter­ac­tive vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty of famous people.”

  • Free For All: Adobe Illustrator Grab Bag | CreativePro​.com – Attention, vec­tor vir­tu­osos! This mon­th’s Free for All is a grab bag of cool Adobe Illustrator free­bies. There are scripts galore, tem­plates, brush­es, a brush cheat sheet, appli­ca­tion icons, and a whole lot more!
  • – It’s a grand day for com­ic book movie fans!

    Columbia Pictures has released the first offi­cial pho­to­graph of Andrew Garfield in the Spidey cos­tume for their upcom­ing Spider-Man reimagining.

    And tomor­row’s Entertainment Weekly offers the first look of Chris Evans in the com­plete Captain America cos­tume (that means with a mask, folks).

  • Make Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign Get Along | CreativePro​.com – Death, tax­es, and import­ing Word files into InDesign: They’re all inevitable. I can’t help with the first two, but here’s how to make the best of the third.
  • Just got these myself, auto-loaded from a Website | Case Study: New Malware Hiding in Task Scheduler – This may have been a once off or this may be becom­ing a new trend to hide mal­ware. So all your com­put­er techies out there, be sure to look in the Task Scheduler for malware!