Creative Community Bulletin 07 June 2011 Through 10 June 2011

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 07 June 2011 through 10 June 2011:

  • Bacon Ipsum – a meati­er Lorem Ipsum gen­er­a­tor – Consectetur turkey rep­re­hen­der­it sed excep­teur ex. Chuck flank id eu rep­re­hen­der­it jowl, t‑bone bacon. Fugiat sir­loin rump, enim anim short ribs pork chop bre­sao­la mol­lit velit proident. Pork bel­ly aliquip t‑bone offi­cia sala­mi, ad pork eu non eius­mod velit meat­ball com­mo­do laboris sunt. In meat­ball labore, jowl cow eu elit t‑bone. Nulla do meat­ball, shankle est ham sir­loin cow. Dolore ea jerky deserunt labore pork.
  • Using Texture to Get the Most Out of Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials – There are a num­ber of design ele­ments that are impor­tant to design, tex­ture being just one of them. However, tex­ture can be a pow­er­ful force when pre­sent­ed in any type of design, adding visu­al inter­est and more detail. Texture is often times asso­ci­at­ed with the sense of feel, so adding it to a pure­ly visu­al ref­er­ence can make a 2D piece appear 3D or more real to life.
  • Agents as epub­lish­ers… – Workflow: ePub – Agents as epublishers…
    …is that a good idea for authors/illustrators? Personally, I’ve nev­er had an agent but one nev­er knows, espe­cial­ly in these volatile times in the book biz. A flur­ry of arti­cles have cropped up late­ly on the top­ic, so here are a cou­ple to explore:
  • The Birth, Life, and Death of Typewriters | It Thing! – The type­writer as we know it today was orig­i­nal­ly invent­ed by a man by the name of C. Latham Sholes. The orig­i­nal type­writer employed a very com­plex mechan­i­cal design that typed upside down, which did not allow you to see what you were typ­ing. Fortunately for all of us, the lat­er type­writ­ers employed a design in which the ham­mers fell straight down, allow­ing you to see exact­ly what you were typ­ing. The type­writer began to take off, and Mr. Sholes’ lay­out, known as the QWERTY lay­out, began grow­ing in pop­u­lar­i­ty. His lay­out was designed, not for effi­cien­cy, but to make you type as slow as human­ly pos­si­ble. This was done to avoid cre­at­ing mechan­i­cal jams in ear­ly mechan­i­cal type­writ­ers. Unfortunately, this lay­out also became the inter­na­tion­al stan­dard key­board lay­out which is still in use today.
  • End of Return of the Jedi a Holocaust for Ewoks and Endor? – Quora #StarWars – From a pure­ly strate­gic per­spec­tive, it was in fact an enor­mous vic­to­ry for the Rebels – by killing Vader, Palpatine, and end­ing the Death Star II, the way was paved for an even­tu­al vic­to­ry over the Empire. But the after­math of the bat­tle itself, and any poten­tial envi­ron­men­tal dam­age that might have result­ed, is usu­al­ly glossed over.

    The Rebels claim that most of the debris was either vapor­ized in the explo­sion, burned up in the atmos­phere, or inter­cept­ed by the remain­der of the Rebel fleet (see: Apocalypse Endor).

    However, a much more plau­si­ble claim is that this is large­ly Rebel pro­pa­gan­da. The sheer vol­ume of the sec­ond Death Star II, and the amount of ener­gy that its destruc­tion (along with the destruc­tion of the Executor and the var­i­ous Rebellion ships) would have released, make it unlike­ly that that all debris was account­ed for. The result, of course, is prob­a­bly one of the great­est cover-ups in the his­to­ry of the Rebellion, and lat­er, the New Republic – the Endor Holocaust.

    The Ewoks were like­ly severe­ly reduced in num­ber as a result of the ensu­ing envi­ron­men­tal cat­a­stro­phe, even though their species as a whole sur­vived. Think about it – even if 5% of the of the Death Star II burned up in the atmos­phere, the result­ing dust and chem­i­cal residue would have dri­ven large tracts of the moon to extinction.

  • Green Lantern Merchandise Sale @ SuperHeroStuff​.com
  • Are Men’s Bodies Hot or Not? Some Thoughts on Weinergate | Psychology Today – These men have lots of pub­lic pow­er. They are respect­ed politi­cians. It’s unlike­ly they feel the need for more pow­er. More like­ly, they are just human beings like you and me. More like­ly, for the first time in ages, maybe in ever, some cute girl told them how desir­able they were and they lost con­trol. They were floored. Their behav­ior was regret­table, for sure, and def­i­nite­ly a mis­take, but it was also just human.
  • Creating and Designing Custom Browser Themes – How To – We found it nec­es­sary to tai­lor our offer­ing toward Firefox and IE to reach the widest audi­ence pos­si­ble. We’re now adding Chrome to the prod­uct suite giv­en its rapid adop­tion. For com­mer­cial pur­pos­es, spe­cial­iz­ing in a sin­gle brows­er may be too lim­it­ing. Our sales efforts were much hard­er in our ear­ly days when we had a Firefox only solu­tion. Chrome gen­er­ates a lot of buzz in the tech com­mu­ni­ty, but if you’re devel­op­ing for a main­stream brand, Chrome’s 11.5% mar­ket share isn’t going to be too excit­ing. It does help to know the audi­ence of your client. If they skew more heav­i­ly toward one brows­er theme ver­sus anoth­er, then your offer­ing can be more focused.
  • Philly Merge: July 15th, Philadelphia – PhillyMerge – Come to Philly Merge and strength­en your local net­work, improve your code-fu through train­ing from local and rec­og­nized experts, and get intro­duced to the best tools for the job. We’ll have accoun­tants and lawyers speak­ing about com­mon small busi­ness issues with spe­cial empha­sis on nav­i­gat­ing local gov­ern­men­t’s tax­es, rules and regulations.
  • Woman Gets Facebook Friend Sleeve Tattoo [VIDEO] – Friends are a many splen­dored thing — and it’s nat­ur­al to car­ry them in one’s heart through­out one’s ever-storied life. It seems a lit­tle extreme, how­ev­er, to tat­too them on one’s arm.