Creative Community Bulletin 10 June 2009 Through 11 June 2009

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 10 June 2009 through 11 June 2009:

  • Tweets of Fury… Uh, oohh-kay
  • WordPress 2.8 Released, Jazzes Themes and Widgets, Fixes 790 Bugs – I’m very excit­ed to announce to every­one that the lat­est and great­est ver­sion of WordPress, ver­sion 2.8 “Baker,” is imme­di­ate­ly avail­able for down­load. 2.8 rep­re­sents a nice fit and fin­ish release for WordPress with improve­ments to themes, wid­gets, tax­onomies, and over­all speed. We also fixed over 790 bugs. This release is named in hon­or of not­ed trum­peter and vocal­ist Chet Baker. Here’s a quick video overview of every­thing in the new release:
  • The 6 Best 2012 Apocalypse Theories (Are All Bullshit) – You may have noticed a recent trend of try­ing to fit every hack­neyed dooms­day prophe­cy into the same red-letter year of 2012. The the­o­ries are obtuse, their con­nec­tions are flim­sy and the per­ceived con­se­quences are com­plete­ly unsubstantiated.
  • 8 Ways to Create Paperless Business Cards – there are a bunch of dif­fer­ent ways to con­struct a vir­tu­al busi­ness card, which is right for you? Below are eight ways to build a vir­tu­al busi­ness card that you can use to send your infor­ma­tion to con­tacts the next time you’re at a net­work­ing event. Please share any oth­er ser­vices you use in the comments.
  • 5 Tips to Write a Great Link Post | Blogging Tips from Blogsessive – Take every pro-blogger out there and all will say the same thing: “Write link posts!”, but what make a link post great? Find out now!
  • Publicious Links: The Bing Hits Edition
  • LiberKey – A Swiss Army Knife of USB Drive Utilities – LiberKey groups a lot of free soft­ware. True “swiss army knife”, it offers local and/or portable use
  • 60 Most Stunning Typography Inspiration of All Time – Currently brows­ing 60 Most Stunning Typography Inspiration of All Time for your design inspiration
  • Batman Arkham Asylum Screens – Here is a set of brand new Batman Arkham Asylum screens, fresh from E3 09. There are total of three sets of screens below. One set shows off some of the ene­mies you will be fac­ing, which include Harley Quinn, and the man him­self, Joker. The sec­ond set shows of the free-flow com­bat that every­body just can’t shut up about. The third set is shots of the stealth mode of the game.
  • 5 Tips for College Freelancers – I’ve attend­ed quite a few high school grad­u­a­tion par­ties over the past cou­ple of weeks. During all those par­ties, I’ve got­ten pulled aside sev­er­al times by soon-to-be col­lege fresh­men who want to know if they can free­lance while attend­ing col­lege. Considering I did exact­ly that, I think free­lanc­ing while in col­lege can be a good way to bring in some mon­ey, as long as you are pre­pared to han­dle both your com­mit­ments to your stud­ies and your com­mit­ments to your clients. There are a few steps you can take to make the whole sit­u­a­tion eas­i­er, as well.
  • Large CMYK Lamp Shade – Unique design prod­ucts cre­at­ed by the artists and design­ers at Meninos studio.