Creative Community Bulletin 18 February 2011 Through 23 March 2011

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 18 February 2011 through 23 March 2011:

  • the horse project, Portland – with an artist named Scott Wayne Indiana. He knew about the horse rings in many Portland side­walks and thought it was a shame that we don’t tie our hors­es to them any­more. Scott decid­ed to change that and tied his first pony to a horse ring in the fall of 2005 in the revi­tal­ized Pearl District in Northwest Portland. After a few months, he expand­ed the horse project and asked for some help. Now these hors­es are show­ing up all over Portland. You can find them in most parts of Portland now.
  • ACME prod­uct cat­a­log – a set on Flickr
  • Twitter Drops The Ecosystem Hammer: Don’t Try To Compete With Us On Clients, Focus On Data And Verticals – “If you are an exist­ing devel­op­er of client apps, you can con­tin­ue to serve your user base, but we will be hold­ing you to high stan­dards to ensure you do not vio­late users’ pri­va­cy, that you pro­vide con­sis­ten­cy in the user expe­ri­ence, and that you rig­or­ous­ly adhere to all areas of our Terms of Service. We have spo­ken with the major client appli­ca­tions in the Twitter ecosys­tem about these needs on an ongo­ing basis, and will con­tin­ue to ensure a high bar is main­tained,” he continues.
  • Let them eat iPad’ – NY Fed’s Dudley on Food Inflation to Blue Collar Audience – Or, as ZeroHedge put it, “let them eat iPad,” para­phras­ing the sup­posed phrase by Marry Antoinette as the peas­ants starved dur­ing the French Revolution. Dudley won the reproach of the crowd, which, accord­ing to reports, broke into a bois­ter­ous, and incred­u­lous, laugh, before anoth­er mem­ber of the audi­ence respond­ed: “I can’t eat an iPad.”
  • Batman Live Announced, a Touring Live Theatrical Arena Performance – BATMAN LIVE, a unique and inno­v­a­tive the­atri­cal expe­ri­ence, is an are­na spec­tac­u­lar that com­bines acro­bat­ics, dare­dev­il stunt work, illu­sions, and cutting-edge design to bring the adven­tures of Batman and Robin to life on stage for the first time in the char­ac­ters’ his­to­ry. BATMAN LIVE will be writ­ten by Allan Heinberg, with the orig­i­nal sto­ry by Stan Berkowitz & Alan Burnett, and Allan Heinberg.

    The pas­sion the cre­ative team behind BATMAN LIVE shares for the char­ac­ter can be seen through­out every aspect of this pro­duc­tion,” said Geoff Johns, Chief Creative Officer, DC Entertainment. “And the sto­ry­line, the ori­gin of Robin, is some­thing that is going to cre­ate a tru­ly unfor­get­table live show.”

    Allan Heinberg said: “I am delight­ed to be join­ing a team as com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing an unpar­al­leled visu­al spec­ta­cle, as they are to telling a com­pelling, emo­tion­al sto­ry. BATMAN LIVE is lov­ing­ly faith­ful to the char­ac­ters and their dis­tin­guished his­to­ry and it pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for new and life­long fans to expe­ri­ence Batman and his world as they nev­er have before.”

    Allan Heinberg’s writ­ing and pro­duc­ing cred­its include: Party of Five, Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, The OC, Grey’s Anatomy and The Amazon’s Voice, his first play. Heinberg also devel­oped the ani­mat­ed series Legion of Super Heroes for Warner Bros. Animation. He is the writer and co-creator of Marvel Comic’s Young Avengers and cur­rent­ly writes Marvel’s Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. His oth­er comics work includes JLA (with Geoff Johns), Superman/Batman, Wonder Woman, and Uncanny X‑Men.

  • Bendy bat­ter­ies bring us one step clos­er to flex­i­ble gad­gets | DVICE – It used to be that the idea of, say, a flex­i­ble, mor­ph­ing phone was just some­thing explored by con­cept design­ers. The tech­nol­o­gy for bendy gad­getry is steadi­ly falling into place, how­ev­er, and here’s anoth­er puz­zle piece fig­ured out thanks to South Korea: the batteries.
  • Why Best Buy’s Buy Back pro­gram is a total ripoff | DVICE – But after a year, Best Buy will only give you 30% of the pur­chase price of the phone. Subtract that $60 fee off of it, and you’re look­ing at mak­ing about $215 less for your iPhone 3GS than going rates on eBay. And close looks at oth­er gad­gets don’t look much bet­ter. Not to men­tion the fact that Best Buy pays in gift cards rather than cash, which is less than optimal.
  • Is Facebook mak­ing us sad? Stanford University research and Sherry Turkle’s new book Alone Together sug­gest that social net­work­ing may fos­ter lone­li­ness. – By Libby Copeland – Slate Magazine – after observ­ing his friends’ reac­tions to Facebook: He noticed that they seemed to feel par­tic­u­lar­ly crum­my about them­selves after log­ging onto the site and scrolling through oth­ers’ attrac­tive pho­tos, accom­plished bios, and chip­per sta­tus updates. “They were con­vinced that every­one else was lead­ing a per­fect life,” he told me.
  • Apps for the Mobile Creative: Part 2 by Pariah Burke – Creatives on the go need to stay cre­ative. You can do that with apps that let you view and cre­ate col­or palettes; design­ing and iden­ti­fy­ing fonts; plan and con­trol pho­to shoots; and keep mobile devices safe and secure.
  • Angry Birds Super Bowl Secret Code Revealed & Decoded Here – The Angry Birds secret code from the Rio trail­er ad dur­ing the Super Bowl has been found, test­ed, and decod­ed. And none of it was done by me. Credit goes out to@AndroidThrasher for the screen­cap, and scar­bzs­cope on YouTube for the details. Spoiler alert — the code itself, and a video of the code bro­ken and used is after the break. Thanks fellas!