Creative Community Bulletin On 22 May 2009 (09:46 to 16:52)

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 22 May 2009 from 09:46 to 16:52:

  • Print ver­sus Pixels in Newspapers – Lately, there has been a lot of talk about tak­ing the “paper” out of the news­pa­per. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer recent­ly went to an online-only for­mat, and there has been crit­i­cism of the medi­um com­ing even from with­in the Times itself. Nick Bilton, who works in the Times’s research and devel­op­ment lab, was quot­ed in a recent Wired arti­cle say­ing, “Paper is dying, but it’s just a device… Replacing it with pix­els is a bet­ter experience.”
  • Oregon Police Performing Illegal Random Search and Siezure? From Salem​-News​.Com #PDX – You see Americans have this thing called the Fourth Amendment. Regardless of what police and gov­ern­ment agen­cies say or admit, they do not have a right to ran­dom­ly search your car or per­son or home.

    The rea­son police get away with what they do is attrib­ut­able to noth­ing less than a weak citizenry

  • A Review of 25 of Your Favorite URL Shorteners – If you are a reg­u­lar on twit­ter you know URL short­en­er ser­vices are all the rage. Some of these ser­vices have been around long before Twitter was ever con­ceived, oth­ers are brand new. Most of these ser­vices have one spe­cif­ic pur­pose, to take your long ugly URL and turn it into a short­ened, easy to share one. When you click on the short­ened link you are mag­i­cal­ly redi­rect­ed to the orig­i­nal page of content.
  • How to Write Really Bad Web Content – Your copy can make or break your website
  • Advertising Agencies Treated Poorly by Marketers? – Small Agency Diary – Advertising Age – Marc Brownstein
    Have you noticed late­ly that some peo­ple you have been accus­tomed to doing busi­ness with for years have sud­den­ly had a per­son­al­i­ty transformation?

    I have. So have many of my friends and col­leagues in a vari­ety of indus­tries. Tough eco­nom­ic times tend to bring out the dark side in per­fect­ly civ­i­lized pro­fes­sion­als. In the agency busi­ness, I’ve heard many trou­bling stories:

  • SquareSpace v. WordPress – The Best Blogging Platform – I blog, you blog, mil­lions of peo­ple blog. Finding the best plat­form or soft­ware pack­age is vital to any blog­ger. I recent­ly went through a very messy tran­si­tion from TypePad [for blog­ging begin­ners] to my own self host­ed WordPress install. However, I start­ed talk­ing to the lead devel­op­er and founder of SquareSpace, Anthony Casalena , an acquain­tance of mine, about the com­ment­ing sys­tem they use, and how they han­dle spam. I began to won­der how SquareSpace was doing, a ser­vice that I had not played with for a while. I have test­ed the sys­tem exten­sive­ly, and am now pre­pared to com­pare a self host­ed WordPress install and a host­ed SquareSpace blog.
  • Review: Squarespace​.com vs. Wordpress
  • How [the Opera Web Browser] Business Model Works – In the Jon von Tetzchner Q
  • Can Anybody Be A Freelancer? – Naturally, there are some prac­ti­cal pre­req­ui­sites to start­ing a free­lance busi­ness. Without these prac­ti­cal pre­req­ui­sites, I don’t believe that a per­son could free­lance successfully.
  • TypeTalk: Letterspacing – Is it a type crime to add lots of space between char­ac­ters? Or is let­terspac­ing OK?