Creative Community Bulletin 26 May 2009 Through 27 May 2009

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 26 May 2009 through 27 May 2009:

  • Social Media Policies For Your Company: Internal Policies – Your orga­ni­za­tion is dip­ping its toe into the social media pool, but you know you need the right poli­cies in place to set the stage. Where to start?

    In this post I’ll out­line, at a top lev­el, three inter­nal poli­cies that you should con­sid­er when your orga­ni­za­tion is get­ting start­ed in social media:

  • What’s In Your Social Media Toolkit? | dav​e​fleet​.com – Over the last two years my online toolk­it has shift­ed back and forth as tools have come and gone. Recently, how­ev­er, I’ve noticed a bit more sta­bil­i­ty in the ser­vices I use. Is this a reflec­tion of a slight­ly matur­ing mar­ket­place? Or just of a tough economy?
  • 5 Ways to Share Your Social Media Identity – We might use one site for shar­ing pho­tos, anoth­er for shar­ing videos, and a cou­ple more for shar­ing links. The con­tent we cre­ate on those sites makes up our social media iden­ti­ty, and as we use more sites, it becomes increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult to share it all from one place. Yesterday, I received an email from a friend whose sig­na­ture had links to no less than eight social media pro­files. Thankfully, there are bet­ter ways to share your social media iden­ti­ty. Below are five sites that offer social media badges you can share and embed.

    Interesting piece. I already use Retaggr (http://​www​.retag​gr​.com/​p​a​g​e​/​P​a​r​i​a​hBurke) and DandyID (http://​www​.dandyid​.org/​i​d​/​i​a​m​pariah), nei­ther of which is per­fect, though Retaggr is the bet­ter of the two.

  • Squatted Brand Usernames on Twitter | Tweetburn – Here is a list of some more user­names on twit­ter that are being squat­ted upon. I have to say that some are actu­al peo­ple, so I doubt the com­pa­ny can do any­thing there to change it.
  • 10 Twitter Tools That Make Blogging Easier | Tweetburn – The rise of micro-blogging on twit­ter has not damp­ened the reg­u­lar form of expres­sion that blog­ging has with the web com­mu­ni­ty. One can even state that blog­ging has flour­ished since the rise of twit­ter. The most impor­tant rea­son I think is a pret­ty obvi­ous one, some­times we just want to say, and read, more than 140 characters.
  • Too Many Tabs In Netvibes? Create a New Page – The fea­ture is very sim­ple: it lets you cre­ate sev­er­al Netvibes pages instead of just one. The rea­sons for this are many
  • Learn How To Use Tweetdeck Effectively And Save Time – TweetDeck is the most use­ful appli­ca­tion for man­ag­ing Twitter that I’ve found ever. It is ful­ly cus­tomiz­able – you have full con­trol of every col­umn, user, relat­ed tweet – this appli­ca­tion is real­ly time saver if you use it on reg­u­lar basis. In this arti­cle I am try­ing to show real pow­er of Tweetdeck, which seems to be hid­den on the first moment, it is an Adobe Air-based appli­ca­tion that runs on any plat­form (it requires Adobe Air 1.5 to be installed first) – at first I would sug­gest You also to play with set­tings, rollover but­tons, they are often self explain­ing also reveal­ing many hid­den features.
  • Twitter Editor Announced at New York Times – Twitter Examiner – The New York Times has assigned on of it’s edi­tors to become it’s first social media net­works edi­tor.

    That means her job is to use Twitter and Facebook to reach more read­ers and sources.

  • The Ultimate Motion Graphics Tutorials Round-Up | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine – Although sta­t­ic graph­ics is obvi­ous­ly much eas­i­er to scan and there­fore can be eas­i­ly per­ceived, motion graph­ics brings dynam­ics and life into oth­er­wise sta­t­ic content.
  • Users protest Twitter real­i­ty TV show as co-founder Biz Stone hedges – Users protest Twitter real­i­ty TV show as co-founder Biz Stone hedges
  • How intro­verts trav­el – It might sur­prise you that intro­verts trav­el dif­fer­ent­ly than extro­verts, par­tic­u­lar­ly because most trav­el mag­a­zines, guide­books, and TV shows are pro­duced by and for extroverts.