Creative Community Bulletin 1 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Fun Papercraft Infographic Helps You Decide If You Should Take That Design Job

    This amus­ing paper cal­cu­la­tor wheel asks the user four ques­tions about the job they have in mind—regarding its fit, pay, work­ing con­di­tions and ethics—in order to assist them in mak­ing an objec­tive assessment. 

    For instance, when the job is near-perfect, the answer to the ques­tion on work­ing con­di­tions should prob­a­bly be, “Is this too much fun to be called ‘work’?”. 

  • Design Thinking, Deconstructed

    Nueva School
    At the Nueva School in Hillsborough, Calif., design think­ing is built into stu­dents’ and teach­ers’ every­day lives. The process, which is an approach to learn­ing that includes con­sid­er­ing real-world prob­lems, research, analy­sis, build­ing by hand, and lots of exper­i­men­ta­tion, is doc­u­ment­ed and shared among staff.


  • The 10 Best Typewriter Typefaces
    Want to add typewriter-style text to your designs? We bring togeth­er a selec­tion of the most effec­tive type­writer fonts, from authen­tic to unusu­al, for you to use in your designs.
  • The Transaction Marketing Age Has Ended. Enter The Participation Age or Perish
    Brand val­ue, as a result, was defined by con­vert­ing inter­rup­tion into trans­ac­tion. Great brand­ing cre­at­ed transaction.

    As the eco­nom­ic land­scape shifts, the trans­ac­tion mod­el is becom­ing obsolete

  • 9 Rules For Running A Productive Design Critique
  • 8 Websites That Will Dramatically Increase Your Internet Productivity
    According to this Quora thread, the fol­low­ing sites will cre­ative­ly keep you entertained.
  • Why have young peo­ple in Japan stopped hav­ing sex?

    What hap­pens to a coun­try when its young peo­ple stop hav­ing sex? Japan is find­ing out… Abigail Haworth investigates

  • How Kapitza are using Kickstarter to launch their new art book with­out a publisher
    Geometric Two is, nat­u­ral­ly, a sequel to their 2008 book of pat­terns Geometric, which was released through German pub­lish­er Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz. Between the two, Kapitza released Organic, which was nom­i­nat­ed as one of the Design Museum…
  • 10 insights from the world of design
    This year The Big Picture design research agency cel­e­brates 20 years explor­ing con­sumers’ rela­tion­ships with FMCG design for the likes of Unilever, GSK, and Reckitt Benckiser. We’ve used this mile­stone as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take stock of some of…
  • Stolen Adobe account data found on the web
    In an update on the data breach dis­closed ear­li­er this month, Adobe has said that source code for Photoshop was stolen. Making mat­ters worse, a file con­tain­ing 150 mil­lion user­names and hashed pass­words has appeared online, and the com­pa­ny says…
  • Create Mouthwatering Bread Typography in Photoshop

    In this tuto­r­i­al, I’ll show you how to cre­ate a won­der­ful baked bread text effect using Photoshop. I will explain every step in order to achieve the best pos­si­ble result. Let’s get started!

  • FAA Changes Safety Rules: You Can Now Use Electronic Gadgets Gate-to-Gate

    Government safe­ty rules are chang­ing to let air­line pas­sen­gers use most elec­tron­ic devices from gate-to-gate.

    The change will let pas­sen­gers read, work, play games, watch movies and lis­ten to music — but not make cell­phone calls.”

  • Value Activation: A Different Business Model for Internet Entrepreneurs

    When we pay for soft­ware, it’s usu­al­ly because it solves a crit­i­cal prob­lem we have. It sat­is­fies a need. It pro­vides a cer­tain val­ue we’re will­ing to pay for.

    And if we can derive val­ue from a prod­uct or a ser­vice at no upfront cost, then we are more like­ly to pay lat­er on in order to con­tin­ue deriv­ing that value.

    Internet entre­pre­neurs need a busi­ness mod­el that sup­ports this notion.

  • See Why We Have An Absolutely Ridiculous Standard Of Beauty In Just 37 Seconds
    Well, I want to see more of this. I want to show my daugh­ter, over and over, why the images of so many women she sees aren’t real­is­tic. And what I real­ly want is for us to stop turn­ing beau­ti­ful women into draw­ings and pass­ing them off as real.…
  • Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, read­ing and daydreaming
    A lec­ture explain­ing why using our imag­i­na­tions, and pro­vid­ing for oth­ers to use theirs, is an oblig­a­tion for all citizens





  • The designer’s guide to Gestalt Theory

    If you’ve ever won­dered why some design approach­es seem more coher­ent, con­nect­ed or uni­fied than oth­ers, it may be because the design­er has used the Gestalt prin­ci­ples to help bring togeth­er their design elements.

  • Life Coach For Creatives’: Brutally-Honest Feedback For Creative People

    In his ‘Life Coach for Creatives’ illus­trat­ed series, London-based free­lance ani­ma­tor and illus­tra­tor Tony Johnson offers brutally-honest advice and feed­back to cre­ative people. 

  • How Do I (Really) Know If My Startup Is Infringing On Trademarks?
    Checking for exist­ing trade­marks is gross­ly inef­fi­cient. A new start­up thinks it has the solu­tion for founders.
  • What Designers Think Of When They Think Of San Francisco

    The San Francisco divi­sion of design asso­ci­a­tion AIGA asked cre­atives from all over the world to come up with posters that depict their impres­sions of the city. 

  • Five orga­niz­ing myths

    Myths abound in the organ­is­ing world. Don’t let your­self fall for these five com­mon tales:

  • How to Be the Worst Freelance Designer in the Universe (in Just 10 Steps)

    Well, yeah, being the hon­est free­lancer seems a bit too main­stream. Besides, it’s way too dif­fi­cult. So why not just be the worst one instead – the under­achiev­er of the free­lanc­ing world if you will?

  • Why design schools need to teach life-long skills
    Today’s fresh­ers are tomor­row’s cre­ative pros. As the new intake set­tles in, Lawrence Zeegen asks how col­leges can best pre­pare them for an indus­try that nev­er sits still.
  • 10 Principles of Successful Freelancers

    Running an effec­tive free­lance busi­ness is a learn­ing process. Even expe­ri­enced design­ers still have plen­ty to learn about the busi­ness aspect of free­lanc­ing. In this post we’ll look at 10 prin­ci­ples that I have learned from my own expe­ri­ence, and have observed to be true of oth­er free­lancers as well.

  • Using Your Design Skills to Get Website Traffic

    If you’ve got design skills, you have plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able to you for gen­er­at­ing addi­tion­al site traffic.

    In this arti­cle, I’ll dis­cuss some ideas and show you some exam­ples of web­site con­tent that have the abil­i­ty to bring in a lot of site visitors.

  • Fully Spec’ed Out Apple Mac Pro Could Cost Around $14,000 (video)
    If you are look­ing for­ward to pur­chas­ing a new Apple Mac Pro and are already busy sav­ing your pen­nies, you might be inter­est­ed to know that a ful­ly upgrad­ed Apple Mac Pro sys­tem with 64GB of RAM, 12-cores and Dual FirePro D700 Graphics graphics…
  • 15 Minimalistic Package Designs

    Minimal” is a term each design­er uses on a dai­ly basis. It is char­ac­ter­ized by the use of sim­ple or pri­ma­ry forms or struc­tures, espe­cial­ly geo­met­ric or mas­sive ones. This con­cept has become a trend that is asso­ci­at­ed with clean, focused, and sim­pli­fied design, most famous­ly encour­aged by Apple’s founder, Steve Jobs, who stated: 

    That’s been one of my mantras – focus and sim­plic­i­ty. Simple can be hard­er than com­plex: You have to work hard to get your think­ing clean to make it sim­ple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

    Enjoy a lit­tle sim­plic­i­ty with our 15 most min­i­mal­is­tic pack­age designs.

  • 5 Effective Ways for Freelance Designers to Manage Information Overload
    In this post, I describe five effec­tive tech­niques that free­lance web design­ers and oth­ers can use to man­age infor­ma­tion overload.
  • Don’t Just Do One Thing–the Best Advice Ever Ignored

    Why “just do one thing” was prob­a­bly the best advice I’ve received. Because I’ve total­ly ignored it.

  • John Nack on Adobe : Animography: Animated type for After Effects
    Our ani­mat­ed type­faces are Adobe After Effects files with each glyph in a sep­a­rate com­po­si­tion. A controller-composition serves as a cen­tral point from which you can cus­tomize all the glyphs in one to.
  • Fascinating Photos That Look Unbelievably Like Paintings
    While we’ve all seen our fair share of hyper­re­al­is­tic and pho­to­re­al­is­tic art, or paint­ings and sculp­tures that look amaz­ing­ly like pho­tographs, it’s not too often that we come across pho­tos that look like paint­ings. Here, then, are ten fascinat…
  • 10 tips for bet­ter pro­duc­tiv­i­ty when using the Creative Cloud #CreativeCloud

    Looking to work faster, smarter and more effi­cient­ly? Creative Cloud is packed with fan­tas­tic new func­tion­al­i­ty that will save you time whether you’re work­ing across print or dig­i­tal – you just need to know how.

  • Graphic Design Book For Kids, Teaches Key Concepts In Graphics And Typography

    Titled ‘Go! A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design’, it teach­es chil­dren, ages 10 and above, about the key con­cepts of graph­ic design and typography