Creative Community Bulletin 11 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Creating Effected Images In Camera

    Let Scott and Rich show you how to use in-camera effects to get dra­mat­ic images quick­ly. Some may call it cheat­ing, but we’re all for dif­fer­ent ways to get dif­fer­ent results.

  • 4 Best IFTTT Kindle Tricks
    IFTTT is a genius web ser­vice which sim­pli­fy your inter­net life like a charm. I am addict­ed to it as soon as its release. Now there are dozens of recipes are work­ing for me, they sync my files, push con­tents to my Kindle, send noti­fi­ca­tion with…
  • Parking Attendant Creates Impressive Artworks With The Dust On Cars

    Parking atten­dant Rafael Veyisov makes good use of his time while on the job by “paint­ing” scenes on dusty cars. ”

  • 7 Creatives Tell Their Inspiring Stories
    “Check out these inspir­ing videos by the win­ners of a Shutterstock con­test to win a share of $75,000 in cre­ative grants.”



  • Back up your design deci­sions with hard data
    Do you need to reas­sure ner­vous stake­hold­ers about a site design? Add sta­tis­ti­cal weight to your deci­sions with Design Quips.



  • The Secret of Success is Self-Branding
    “Usually, this is when sev­er­al stu­dents run to the pres­i­dent of the school, in tears, to demand their tuition back because no one ever told them it would be so hard to be a design­er. Welcome to the real­i­ty of business!”
  • How I Did It: I Left My Corporate Job to Work for Myself
    “The road to self-employment real­ly began six years ago when I dug myself out of $30,000 in debt and rad­i­cal­ly changed my mon­ey habits. Once I sent in that last pay­ment on my last card, I vowed nev­er to go back.”


  • Maximize iPad Battery Life. Tips Straight from the Source

    Paying atten­tion to just a few com­mon sense point­ers will pay off with a longer bat­tery lifes­pan and bat­tery life for your iPad. The most impor­tant thing is to keep your iPad out of the sun or a hot car (includ­ing not leav­ing it locked up in a hot trunk dur­ing sum­mer). Heat will degrade your battery’s per­for­mance the most.

  • People are Whining About iOS 7 Because People Always Whine About New Designs
    “One of those was Joey Marburger. As the The Washington Post’s direc­tor of dig­i­tal prod­ucts and design, Marburger plays a key role in The Post’s mobile prod­ucts. On Friday, he shared his thoughts on the direc­tion Apple has tak­en with the iOS re…
  • How to Use Google Alerts to Keep Up with Your Network of Friends and Contacts

    But you can help your­self out: I set up Google alerts for peo­ple so I get noti­fied when they’ve done some­thing online and I have a rea­son to catch up. If you want to go super pro, cre­ate a sim­ple call sheet: a spread­sheet with names, con­tact info and last con­tact. Set aside a small chunk of time to just cycle through peo­ple. Drop an email, set up a time to meet up for cof­fee or drinks. Then you know you’re tak­ing care of your rela­tion­ships and you don’t have to wor­ry about it the rest of the time.”

  • What Google’s Hummingbird Update Means for Small Business
    ““The main rea­sons Google cre­at­ed the Hummingbird update revolve around the nature by which peo­ple search more fre­quent­ly,” said Kenneth Wisnefski, pres­i­dent and CEO of WebiMax, an Internet mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny. “Conversational search has become a…
  • Will hash­tags replace key­words? New Google algo­rithms reduce feed­back to web­sites, pro­mote G+

    Rather than pars­ing users’ search­es word-by-word, the new algo­rithm allows Google to intel­li­gent­ly and quick­ly ana­lyze full ques­tions. Google’s search engine has begun to under­stand con­cepts, rela­tion­ships between con­cepts, and even more com­plex questions.”

  • How to Make Pragmatic, Purposeful Typography Choices

    Psychologists have proven that typog­ra­phy has a sig­nif­i­cant mea­sur­able effect on the influ­ence and inter­pre­ta­tion of your writ­ten copy. With this in mind, typog­ra­phy could be the most impor­tant part of any design, and it should be cho­sen pur­pose­ful­ly and prag­mat­i­cal­ly — not based on the whims or per­son­al pref­er­ences of any design­er. You could have beau­ti­ful images and a great lay­out, but if you choose the wrong type­face, it can ruin the entire design.


  • Steve Brodner’s Cover Design Process 
    “Check out this great clip of leg­endary satir­i­cal illus­tra­tor and car­i­ca­tur­ist Steve Brodner (who’s notable polit­i­cal work as you all know has appeared in count­less mag­a­zines for over 30 years…not to men­tion movie posters, books, ani­mat­ed sho…