Creative Community Bulletin 13 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Infographic: How NASA Visualized Alien Worlds Before Photoshop
  • 5 Tips To Writing Irresistibly Clickable Blog Titles
    An aver­age of 8 read­ers out of 10 will read a blog post title, while less than 3 out of the same 10 read­ers will read the rest of the arti­cle. This sim­ple sta­tis­tic shows how your post title great­ly affects the entire con­tent of your post.
    So y…
  • The Complete Guide to Organizing Your Contacts + Building Quality Relationships

    Anthropologist Robin Dunbar once the­o­rized that humans can only active­ly main­tain rough­ly 150 rela­tion­ships. Today’s world, where the aver­age num­ber of Twitter fol­low­ers alone is 208, this means we can hit the lim­its of our brain pow­er pret­ty quickly.

  • 6 Good Jobs for Bad Students

    So you didn’t study as hard as you should have. Maybe col­lege just wasn’t for you, or maybe youth and fun got in the way of your degree. You’re not the only one. You can’t ignore the impor­tance of a good edu­ca­tion, but there’s still hope for land­ing a good job if you weren’t the best stu­dent. With some train­ing and strong com­mit­ment, you can still get hired for a great a pro­fes­sion­al posi­tion in many industries.

  • APK Downloader Pulls APK Files Directly From Google Play
    “Being unable to install an app on your device from the Play Store is a pain. Fortunately, a devel­op­er has cre­at­ed a tool that lets you pull an APK direct­ly from Google’s servers and side load it your­self. Handy!”
  • Fun, Literal Visualizations Of World Famous Band Names

    Hailing from London, Mark Szulyovszky has cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of posters that are lit­er­al visu­al­iza­tions of famous band names. 

    Called “Bandopoly”, this play­ful series requires the view­er to think a lot more lit­er­al­ly to fig­ure out the band that these graph­ics are representing. ”

  • Confessions Of A Digital Hoarder
    “How the urge to keep, cap­ture and archive has turned me into the dig­i­tal equiv­a­lent of a cat lady.”
  • 5 Fascinating Font Infographics

    While most peo­ple think about the aes­thet­ic of their design, col­or choic­es, and func­tion­al­i­ty, few peo­ple think about the abil­i­ty of type­face – on its own – to con­vey a mes­sage. Fonts make up words but they are com­mu­ni­ca­tors them­selves, and the font choice you make can either make or break your website/digital com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Want to know a lit­tle bit more about where fonts came from, how they work, and why they’re so impor­tant? Check out these 5 awe­some info­graph­ics below.”

  • How to Handle Price-Sensitive Design Clients

    Over the years, I’ve found that clients typ­i­cal­ly fall into two extremes when it comes to pric­ing: the “I don’t care” crowd, and price-sensitive clients. Of course, my favorites are the ones that don’t care about the price, but these are few and far between. Generally speak­ing, most clients seem to fall into one of these two categories:

  • 10 Websites We Miss From 1996
    In mem­o­ry of the Web 1.0 sites of the ’90s, we round­ed up ten 1996 web­sites to take you back to your nos­tal­gic dial-up days, when you had to wait more than 30 sec­onds for your AOL home­page to load. Which sites of the past do you nos­tal­gi­cal­ly m…
  • Web apps deserve sexy tran­si­tions too!
    “Thanks to a cou­ple new tools we now have at our dis­pos­al, name­ly Angular.js and Framer.js, this time we were able to own up to this goal. I want­ed to share our expe­ri­ence design­ing for the web with motion in mind, hop­ing to inspire you to do t…
  • Build a Responsive Design Using 960 Grid
    “By respon­sive, I mean that the var­i­ous col­umn widths will adapt to the screen size and keep your con­tent orga­nized. This allows for users with any screen size to see a con­sis­tent look and feel.

    Responsive is dif­fer­ent than flu­id in that it st…