Creative Community Bulletin 17 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Get Over Yourself: How Your Ego Sabotages Your Creativity

    One of the most destruc­tive of cre­ative sins is an over-inflated ego. When many peo­ple hear the word “ego,” they imme­di­ate­ly think of the know-it-all man­ag­er charg­ing into the room and insist­ing that every­one bend their life and work around his every whim. This is cer­tain­ly one exhi­bi­tion of ego, but there are less obvi­ous types that we must be care­ful to avoid if we want to do our best cre­ative work consistently. ”

  • The Designer’s Guide to Working for Nonprofits
    “Want to help make the world a bet­ter place? Industry experts offer these top tips for work­ing with nonprofits.”
  • Adobe Contributed Font Rasterizer Technology to FreeType Technology Used by iOS, Android, Linux, ChromeOS

    FreeType, an open source library for font ren­der­ing, is used either par­tial­ly or exclu­sive­ly by Android, Chrome OS, iOS, GNU/Linux and oth­er free Unix oper­at­ing sys­tem deriv­a­tives such as FreeBSD and NetBSD. This makes FreeType the font ren­der­ing soft­ware of choice for more than a bil­lion devices. As a user of FreeType in their prod­ucts, Google was look­ing to get the same high-quality text ren­der­ing for CFF fonts that their users cur­rent­ly enjoy with TrueType fonts. Google approached Adobe about get­ting Adobe’s ras­ter­iz­er tech­nol­o­gy into FreeType and has been a key finan­cial sup­port­er of this project ever since. And because Google is such a strong sup­port­er of open-sourced tech­nol­o­gy, all users of FreeType, as well as FreeType devel­op­ers, will ben­e­fit from this contribution.”

  • Type:Rider” Is The Ultimate Video Game About Typography
  • Parallax Scrolling Brings NY Times Article to Life
    “The New York Times gives long­form jour­nal­ism a shot in the arm with clever use of par­al­lax scrolling and inspir­ing illustrations.”



  • 6 Tools That Make Tracking Your Online Reputation Easy
    “If you’re spend­ing hours track­ing your brand online, you’re wast­ing your time. These 6 tools can make man­ag­ing your online rep­u­ta­tion a breeze.”
  • Read Literary Fiction Before Dates or Meetings for Social Success

    The next time you have to go for a date or an impor­tant meet­ing, try read­ing some Chekhov or Alice Munro before you head out the door. It’s prob­a­bly going to make that inter­ac­tion go off well, says a new study.P

  • Correctly back­ing up data when mov­ing from HDD to SSD
    “Users like SSD dri­ves because they offer speedy, reli­able stor­age that fits com­fort­ably into a PC, Mac, cam­era or mobile device. With no mov­ing mechan­i­cal parts or frag­ment­ed stor­age blocks, SSDs enable quick boot times and improve the perform…
  • Colour Pencil Drawings You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photos
    “Check out these incred­i­ble pho­to­re­al­is­tic draw­ings, cre­at­ed with noth­ing but coloured pencils.”
  • Should Illustrators Follow Trends or Set Them?
    “Illustrator, author and lec­tur­er Anna Wray pon­ders the thorny issue of whether cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als should be fol­low­ing trends or set­ting them.”
  • Export Illustrator Layers and/or Artboards as PNGs and PDFs, Free Script

    Over the last year or so, I’ve cob­bled togeth­er a cou­ple Illustrator scripts that export mul­ti­ple art­boards in an Illustrator doc­u­ment as PNG files, and export mul­ti­ple lay­ers as PNG files. (See my pre­vi­ous blog posts here and here.) I’d been mean­ing to merge them into one script, but had nev­er quite got­ten around to it until Khoi tweet­ed that he was look­ing for a script that did just that, but to PDF format.”

  • Elemental Photo Manipulations, Part 3: Air by Pariah Burke

    Elemental Photo Manipulations, Part 3: Air “Elemental Photo Manipulations” is a four-part series high­light­ing tuto­ri­als and inspi­ra­tional amaz­ing art­work com­bin­ing pho­tog­ra­phy with Photoshop in sur­re­al, mind-bending, and some­times star­tling ways. This is the third install­ment in the series, an all-tutorial install­ment in which you’ll defy the laws of physics by bend­ing and twist­ing air, smoke, light, and even grav­i­ty itself. Pariah S. Burke “Elemental Photo Manipulations” is a four-part series high­light­ing tuto­ri­als and inspi­ra­tional amaz­ing art­work com­bin­ing pho­tog­ra­phy with Photoshop in sur­re­al, mind-bending, and some­times star­tling ways. This is the third install­ment in the series, an all-tutorial install­ment in which you’ll defy the laws of physics by bend­ing, twist­ing, and molest­ing air, smoke, light, and even grav­i­ty itself.”

  • Organize OS X fonts using Font Book smart collections
    “Unlike stan­dard font col­lec­tions, smart col­lec­tions will dynam­i­cal­ly update based on search criteria.”