Creative Community Bulletin 18 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Designing Fast Company’s 10th Annual Design Issue

    Since National Design Week begins this week, let’s take a look at how Fast Company recent­ly cel­e­brat­ed 10 years of its annu­al Design Issue. Design Director Ted Keller gives us a recap of the print coverage.”

  • Handwritten Text Messages Brings Human Element Back to Texting
    “For that rea­son, design­er Cristina Vanko sought to per­son­al­ize her text mes­sages by cre­at­ing a project called, “Modern Day Snail Mail.” For one week, Vanko chal­lenged her­self to respond to each incom­ing text with a pho­to of a hand-written note…
  • Handwritten Text Messages Brings Human Element Back to Texting
    “For that rea­son, design­er Cristina Vanko sought to per­son­al­ize her text mes­sages by cre­at­ing a project called, “Modern Day Snail Mail.” For one week, Vanko chal­lenged her­self to respond to each incom­ing text with a pho­to of a hand-written note…
  • Bokehxplosions’, A Dreamy Display Of Out-Of-Focus Fireworks

    Stanislas Giroux’s out-of-focus fire­works look like some­thing out of a dream sequence. Inspired by “old-school filmy light trails that occurred on old non-CCD cam­eras when a bright light spot was filmed”, he tin­kered with the focus ring of his cam­era while shoot­ing fire­works with a tri­pod to achieve the ‘bokeh’ effect. ”


  • 4 Ways to Write LinkedIn Messages That Actually Get Read

    Spend a few more min­utes craft­ing a per­son­al­ized note, and you’re much more like­ly to make the con­nec­tions you’re look­ing for. Try these four steps to writ­ing a LinkedIn mes­sage that will get opened:”

  • Free Photoshop Extension BlendMe​.in Lets You Accessing Vector Icons Without Leaving Photoshop
    “BlendMe​.in is a Photoshop exten­sion that allows you to quick­ly find a high-quality icon that you can sim­ply drag and drop and then eas­i­ly con­tin­ue your ideation. All of the icons are vec­to­r­i­al and have been insert­ed as smart Photoshop objects,…
  • Smart App-artment: The Home of the Future? [Video]
    “One place where tech­nol­o­gy is yet to make a real impact is in the home. While we have lots of tech­nol­o­gy in our home, the prob­lem at the moment is that each piece of tech – be it a lap­top, light­ing, TV or sound sys­tem – works inde­pen­dent­ly of …
  • iOS 7 Wins Mobile OS User Experience Shootout
    “Pfeiffer Consulting recent­ly put iOS 7 through its paces, com­par­ing it to a num­ber of oth­er mobile OSes to gauge which OS has a step up on the com­pe­ti­tion when it comes to the user experience.

    The oper­at­ing sys­tems involved in the study inclu…

  • 2 Clients in 1 Industry = Conflict? HOW Answers
    “Is it a con­flict to work with two clients in the same industry?”
  • Tired of Instagram’s Effects? Try Repix For Android To Give Your Photos A More Unique Look

    Being such a visu­al app, Repix is best demon­strat­ed with a video. Here’s the offi­cial one:”


  • Marta Cerdà on Typography and Visual Tricks
    “The Barcelona-based graph­ic design­er is famed for her let­ter­ing and illus­tra­tion work. We uncov­er some of her design secrets.”



  • Tutorial: 3D Pixel Stretch Effects in Photoshop
    “Stretching a sin­gle line of pix­els is an easy way to cre­ate spe­cial dig­i­tal effects in graph­ic design. By tak­ing this tech­nique a step fur­ther, we can cre­ate won­der­ful, vibrant 3D effects right in Photoshop!”
  • Nurturing Your Creative Child
    “As cre­atives, we often seem to neglect our cre­ative child. It can be the worst of par­ent­ing when it should be the best. 

    This is the child we should love and adore. This is the one we should hug and whis­per words of love to. This is the one f…