Creative Community Bulletin 28 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Read it Like Television–An Idea to Make Novels More Like TV

    What if I were to tell you nov­els were going the way of tele­vi­sion? You’d prob­a­bly tell me you know that already. Less peo­ple are read­ing, more are watch­ing TV. I’m not sure that’s true, though. People read. They want to read. They just need a bet­ter way of doing it in most cas­es. So, I want to make nov­els more like television.

  • 7 Unusual Yet Everyday-USEFUL Business Card Designs
    “To encour­ag­ing poten­tial busi­ness con­tacts to hold onto your card have it dou­ble as a use­ful item. Below are sev­en exam­ples of such use­ful busi­ness cards, each pulled off to a vary­ing degree of success.”
  • 3D Paper Type Treatments in Atype by Lobulo

    For more than a decade, Javier Rodríguez García the cre­ative mind behind Lobulo Design in London has been suc­cess­ful­ly work­ing with var­i­ous graph­ic design and mar­ket­ing stu­dios using his unique skills in design dom­i­nant­ly in strik­ing pieces of paper crafts. His recent project called “Atype” caught our atten­tion which show­cas­es how can the things around us can cre­ate a vari­ety of cre­ative con­cepts and 3D type treat­ments when applied in a flat letter.”

  • Gaining Confidence as an Inexperienced Freelance Designer

    One of the rea­sons that free­lanc­ing attracts so many peo­ple is the ease of entry. With a com­put­er and a few basic pro­grams any­one can learn enough to put togeth­er web­sites and start work­ing as a free­lancer. It can be be debat­ed (and it has been) whether this is good or bad for the indus­try as a whole, but the fact is that there are a lot of free­lancers out there, part-time and full-time, who don’t have loads of expe­ri­ence as a designer.

  • Halloween Craze Takes Over Famous Brand Logos
    “All fes­tive occa­sions are spe­cial. What makes them fas­ci­nat­ing is not just the rea­son why they hap­pen, but most impor­tant­ly, the unique cel­e­bra­tions that are asso­ci­at­ed with them. Even with unsta­ble economies, unpre­dictable fash­ions, and ephem…
  • Resources Around Designing Microinteractions in Your Mobile and Web UI
    “Microinteractions are often an over­looked UX ele­ment, yet they can be incred­i­bly pow­er­ful. It can be the dif­fer­ence from engag­ing and delight­ing your user to turn­ing them away from your web site. Crafting the right copy to use is just a small …
  • 12 Ways to Optimize Speed of Large WordPress Websites
    “A slow load­ing site can be frus­trat­ing some­times and ulti­mate­ly fed up the vis­i­tors to shut it down and switch to next one. Whenever new vis­i­tors vis­it your web­site they first notice the speed of your web­site (i.e. How quick­ly it is loading?) …
  • How to Remember More of What You Read & Improve Your Memorization Skills
    “Whether you are a stu­dent or look­ing for self-improvement, it can be chal­leng­ing if you strug­gle to remem­ber what you have already read. Remembering more of what you have read can be impor­tant for keep­ing well informed on cur­rent events, resea…
  • Authentic Marketing: A 6‑Step Strategy For Staying True To Your Story
    “Authentic mar­ket­ing is about being true to your brand and to your cus­tomers. But of course, you need a strat­e­gy for that. These 6 tips will help.
  • Learn Photoshop CC Features INSIDE Photoshop with New Free Panel
    “Created with Adobe Configurator 4, this pan­el lets you eas­i­ly explore, try out and learn the new and enhanced tools and fea­tures in Photoshop CC.

    From the pan­el you can check out new tools and fea­tures, watch tuto­r­i­al videos and use the major…

  • Is Mainframe2 the End for Desktop Computing? Use Photoshop Ondemand Instead of a CC Subscription?

    Don’t like the upfront cost of pur­chas­ing Adobe CS6, or the idea of pay­ing the sub­scrip­tion for CC? Mainframe2’s rental mod­el will allow you to dip in and out as you need at a cost that reflects your actu­al usage.”

  • The SCAR Project’: Intimate Portraits Of Young Breast Cancer Survivors
    “In a bid to raise aware­ness about breast can­cer, fash­ion pho­tog­ra­ph­er David Jay embarked on a project in which he shot a series of large-scale por­traits of young breast can­cer survivors.
  • How to Photograph Your Portfolio Work in 6 Simple Steps
    “For your design port­fo­lio to stand out amongst the crowd, it needs pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phy to give it the edge. Professional pho­tog­ra­phy boosts the per­ceived qual­i­ty of your work, thus allow­ing you to increase your prices and ulti­mate­ly get a…
  • Google Should Buy the Entire Publishing Industry

    More­over, much of this turnover is absorbed by the sup­ply chain. Ama­zon alone has three times the turnover of the Big Five multi­na­tional pub­lish­ing con­glom­er­ates (who account for 80% of the industry’s rev­enue). Pub­lish­ing is, quite sim­ply, not a very prof­itable indus­try sec­tor – it’s labor-intensive, inef­fi­cient and the only rea­son we put up with it is (to para­phrase Win­ston Churchill) because all the alter­na­tives are worse. 

  • Improve Your Websites with Microinteractions
    “Microinteractions are all around us, in every app, web­site and appli­ance. They’re the brief pieces of func­tion­al­i­ty that can be util­i­tar­i­an and for­got­ten, or be so inter­est­ing and mem­o­rable that they become part of the brand. The ‘You’ve got m…
  • Typesetting: Better Is Not Always Better

    That form-follows-function thing? Better-looking is not always bet­ter performing.

    To be fair, better-looking is usu­al­ly bet­ter per­form­ing. As you’ve seen here many times, there are good-looking ways to slow a read­er down. P A N O R A M I C type is one. Reversed type and col­ored type are oth­ers. These can be very attrac­tive, yet require effort to read. An unex­pect­ed type­face can…”

  • 5 Social Networks For Graphic Designers
    “Fortunately, the Internet makes it easy to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er graph­ic design­ers all over the world and get your work out there. If you want to lever­age the pow­er of social media and fur­ther your graph­ic design career, sign up with these fi…
  • 5 Social Networks For Graphic Designers
    “Fortunately, the Internet makes it easy to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er graph­ic design­ers all over the world and get your work out there. If you want to lever­age the pow­er of social media and fur­ther your graph­ic design career, sign up with these fi…