Design Business Links 1 April 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 8 Pinterest Alternatives You May Not Know About

    Yes, there is. As it turns out, there are many sites out there that have tak­en the core con­cept of Pinterest and spun it in unique ways. Looking for a Pinterest for men? It’s out there. A Pinterest for food? It exists. A Pinterest for memes? You’re in luck. Keep read­ing to find the per­fect Pinterest alter­na­tive for you.

  • A Simple Method To Fix Bags Under Eyes And Mismatched Skin Tones
    This sim­ple and effi­cient method described in the video below knocks the com­pe­ti­tion out of the park.
  • 29 Ways to Stay Creative [2 min Video]

    TO-FU cre­at­ed this love­ly short that some­how man­ages to pack 29 great tips for stay­ing pro­duc­tive and cre­ative, all in under two min­utes! Just watch­ing it will make you feel productive.

  • Three Streams You Should Add to HootSuite

    Whether you’re a HootSuite new­bie or an old pro, these three streams should be a part of any blogger’s streaminess:

  • 15 Critical Mobile Apps That Web Designers And Developers Cannot Live Without

    With the world get­ting mobile, every sin­gle thing is avail­able under your thumb now. Modern mobile apps allow you to per­form the real work than just cud­dling your mobile phone with your thumb. Here we are giv­ing you 15 most cru­cial mobile apps that today’s mod­ern web design­ers and devel­op­ers can­not live without.

  • Physicists, Generals And CEOs Agree: Ditch The PowerPoint
    He says it was as if “we removed the PowerPoint slide, and like a big glass bar­ri­er was removed between the speak­er and the audience.
  • The Evolution of Illustration in Web Design

    Do you often use illus­tra­tions in your designs? Of course you do, as even now, when huge HD pho­tos are on the peak of pop­u­lar­i­ty, illus­tra­tions still don’t lose their rel­e­vance. Nevertheless, they have altered great­ly dur­ing the long peri­od of web design development.

  • Teen Discovers $400 Million Savings if Government Changes Fonts
    “From this analy­sis, Suvir fig­ured out that by using Garamond with its thin­ner strokes, his school dis­trict could reduce its ink con­sump­tion by 24%, and in turn save as much as $21,000 annually.”
  • Making History: 6 Of The Most Important Tweets Ever Tweeted
    “These days, some of the most Earth-shattering news first spreads through the Twittersphere long before it makes front page news. Things like the Boston Marathon bombs, the Royal wed­ding announce­ment and the deaths of numer­ous pub­lic fig­ures sp…
  • 10 Most Creative Packaging Design

    One of the things that iden­ti­fies a prod­uct is its pack­ag­ing. Qualified and dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed pack­ag­ing design is a must for a prod­uct in today’s high­ly com­pet­i­tive world. There are hun­dreds of com­pa­nies man­u­fac­tur­ing the same kind of prod­ucts, what dis­tin­guish­es one prod­uct from anoth­er is its pack­ing design. A pack­ing design can be bizarre, cool, cre­ative, weird or unusu­al, but it just should be dif­fer­ent. Even a prod­uct is not bet­ter than its com­peti­tors, it can still sell itself with a cre­ative design. Check out ‘’ 10 Most Creative Packaging Design ’’ below.