Design Business Links 21 February 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Workshop: Hidden Income: How Designers Make Money Between Clients

    In this webi­nar you will learn strate­gies and venues from which you can sup­ple­ment your client income—or build a com­plete rev­enue stream to sup­port you with­out clients.”

  • Publishing has entered a new and dif­fer­ent era

    “Describing yes­ter­days as if they were tomor­rows”… That’s how author Hugh Howey recent­ly char­ac­ter­ized pub­lish­ing pre­dic­tions. There’s more than a grain of truth in his assessment.”

  • How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud
    “OwnCloud is free and open source soft­ware that oper­ates as a very sim­ple way to set up your own sync­ing, Dropbox-like cloud stor­age sys­tem on your own serv­er or web site. ”
  • 12 Reasons Google+ Isn’t As Bad As You Think
    ” Here are 12 rea­sons you should give Google+ a sec­ond chance, if you haven’t already:”
  • How QuarkXPress became a mere after­thought in publishing
    “Anecdotal evi­dence is not the best way to objec­tive­ly study any­thing, but ask any­one what caused them to leave XPress for InDesign. Overwhelmingly, it all boils down to those per­son­al sto­ries of neglect that even­tu­al­ly erod­ed Quark’s appeal an…
  • How to Use Lightroom with BitTorrent Sync to Work on the Go

    In this week’s Sync Hacks: Photographer Paul McElligott (@PaulMcElligott) walks us through set­ting up BitTorrent Sync with Adobe Lightroom so pro­fes­sion­al and hob­by­ist pho­tog­ra­phers can edit pho­tos on the road and keep files in sync with their com­put­er at home (adapt­ed from Paul’s orig­i­nal tutorial).

  • Add Icon Fonts to your web pages [Video]
    “These days with SVG and icon fonts, you can eas­i­ly add clean, scal­able con­tent to your pages like social icons and more. In this video, which is part of a class on HOW Design University (howde​sig​nuni​ver​si​ty​.com/), I’ll show you how to add icon…
  • How Adobe Solved The Biggest Problem In Digital Font Design
  • 10 Inspired Business Card Designs Too Useful to Throw Away

    Luckily, it was­n’t hard to come across some refresh­ing busi­ness card ideas. Take a look, and get some inspi­ra­tion for your next order:”

  • LinkedIn May Not Be The Coolest Social Network, But It’s Only Becoming More Valuable To Businesses

    Engagement is ris­ing fast on LinkedIn, as the social net­work becomes a con­tent des­ti­na­tion. The social net­work is also high-income and high­ly edu­cat­ed, and it has a big inter­na­tion­al pres­ence. These fac­tors will make LinkedIn increas­ing com­pelling to mar­keters. Already, a sur­vey from Cogent Research finds that LinkedIn is the pre­ferred social net­work by a wide mar­gin for build­ing a brand identity.

  • As mem­o­ries stay online, social com­pa­nies like Facebook must find bet­ter ways to help griev­ing families
    “In a mov­ing sto­ry, a father begged Facebook to share a video of his dead son. The sto­ry had a hap­py end­ing, but points to grow­ing tech com­pa­nies and fam­i­lies for con­trol of our memories.”
  • Animation on the Web Done Right – UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship

    Using the words “ani­ma­tion” and “the web” togeth­er tends to con­jure up mem­o­ries of fran­tic search­es for the “skip intro” but­ton to save our­selves from a ter­ri­ble sen­so­ry assault. Animation on the web has hit some pret­ty sad lows, there’s no argu­ing that. But adding motion to our work can be mean­ing­ful and functional—when we find the right circumstances.”

  • Culling Photos: Five Tips to Choose Your Best Images

    Whatever your dis­ci­pline of pho­tog­ra­phy, there’s one skill that is cru­cial to cat­a­pult­ing your suc­cess: culling. That bor­ing, obnox­ious task of sift­ing through all the good, the bad, and the down­right ugly in order to final­ly sur­face with a body of work worth look­ing at (or show­ing to the client).”

  • Outdated User Experience Design (UX) Patterns and Alternatives
    “The sec­tion of the guide that I found most inter­est­ing is, Outdated UX Patterns, a col­lec­tion of exam­ples of what not to do when build­ing a web­site, which tries to steer design­ers from bor­row­ing from inef­fec­tive prac­tices to solve com­mon probl…
  • As the line between plat­form and pub­lish­er con­tin­ues to blur, who wins and who loses?

    The term “platish­ers” is a ter­ri­ble one, but Jonathan Glick of Sulia has a point about the increas­ing­ly blurred lines between plat­forms and pub­lish­ers. The real ques­tion is what the duties of those plat­forms are towards the users who cre­ate most of the content”

  • A new lay­out grid sys­tem based on old books and scrolls

    During his research when writ­ing his first book, The Way of Typography, Garde found out that old bibles and scrolls where not designed in the same man­ner as todays books – they where actu­al­ly more complex!
    In fact, the base­line­grid always fit­ted per­fect­ly on the page. And even the gut­ter was in pro­por­tion to the lead. For exam­pel, in Gutenbergs B36 the gut­ter is 1/3 of the out­er mar­gin. The inner mar­gin is 1/2 of the out­er. The upper mar­gin is 1/2 of the low­er. The typo­graph­ic area con­tains 6 mod­ules and each of these mod­ules are divid­ed 6 times. That cre­ates the 36 lines of text. In Gutenbergs first book, B42, the 6 mod­ules where each divid­ed 7 times. Therefore 42 lines of text.

  • Amazon Vs. Book Publishers, By The Numbers – Forbes

    In the spir­it of Amazon’s cor­po­rate cul­ture — where­in, Packer reports, it was the cus­tom to refer to orig­i­nal writ­ing only as “verbage” — let’s ignore the over­heat­ed rhetoric for the moment and focus on the raw data.”