Design Business Links 23 April 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Inspiring Famous Quotes Illustrated With Minimalistic Posters | Bored Panda

    Toronto-based web and graph­ic design­er Ryan McArthur gave inspir­ing quotes by some of the most bril­liant minds of our time a sec­ond life with his min­i­mal­is­tic poster designs. Humorous, inspir­ing and strik­ing­ly insight­ful, these quotes take some twist­ed turns into our minds with McArthur’s play­ful illustrations.”

  • At the Intersection of Art and Psychology
    Experience the Art of Psychology and the Psychology of Art Psychology Tomorrow Magazine
  • How to Track When People Print Web Pages on your Site with Google Analytics
    “You have made your web­site printer-friendly but you are not too sure if peo­ple are actu­al­ly print­ing any of web pages. And if they are, you would prob­a­bly like to know how fre­quent­ly they print pages from your site and what kind of con­tent is …
  • Designer Creates Literal Logos from Common Words
    “If you look at the cre­ative things, even the words of the sig­na­tures to the images can be trans­formed into the images them­selves. This we proved the Korean design­er Ji Lee.”
  • Create Native Apps for WordPress: Can Mobile Dreams Embrace Reality?
    “There are many rea­sons why the shift to mobile is a good thing. First off, the need to trans­late between desk­top and mobile has always been a big bar­ri­er. As of late though, devel­op­ers have been mak­ing apps and sites that run on both, seamless…
  • It’s time to reboot your app inven­tion strategy
    “Sure, we can find plen­ty of excus­es for apps to fail. There are huge struc­tur­al issues at play, includ­ing no true adver­tis­ing infra­struc­ture and a ton of app dis­cov­er­abil­i­ty chal­lenges. But sit­ting back and wait­ing while oth­ers fig­ure out the …
  • The Surprising Accuracy Of Crowdsourced Predictions About The Future
    “Do you know whether Turkey will get a new con­sti­tu­tion? It turns out you do: A group of well-informed cit­i­zens can pre­dict future events more often than any for­eign pol­i­cy expert or CIA analyst.
  • 20 Free Fonts Ideal For Logos And Headings

    In this col­lec­tion of fonts, I want­ed to focus on a few that gen­er­al­ly work well for use with logos and head­ings alike. Easy to read fonts that car­ry a nice strong appear­ance with just a hint of class. Whether you’re work­ing on a clean design or some­thing a lit­tle more dec­o­ra­tive, one of these fonts will sure­ly do the trick. To help you bet­ter visu­al­ize the use of these type­faces, I used each one in its own cus­tom design.”

  • El Camino Hospital Uses DPS to Strengthen Community Connections With Health Beat App

    The app was pro­duced with the DPS plat­form and cre­at­ed by Adobe part­ner Diablo Custom Publishing (DCP). The DPS plat­form was cho­sen because it pro­vid­ed the DCP design­ers with the abil­i­ty to lever­age exist­ing work­flows and assets. Content cre­at­ed for Health Beat’s print edi­tion has been infused with inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, like slide shows and help­ful videos, to keep read­ers engaged and informed.

  • Publishers are get­ting screwed in the data-tracking era

    The indus­try has con­vinced pub­lish­ers this data-tracking is nec­es­sary to grow rev­enues. It promis­es a myth­i­cal gold­en goose of data and adver­tis­ing that doesn’t can­ni­bal­ize the rev­enue from their exist­ing trust­ed rela­tion­ships. The much-hyped automa­tion of adver­tis­ing is incred­i­bly promis­ing, but right now, it’s being used almost entire­ly to col­lect and bid on data to re-target audi­ence using track­ing cook­ies. This data is dri­ving imma­te­r­i­al growth in ad rev­enue to pub­lish­ers small and large. It is also feed­ing a frothy and end­less mar­ket for ad tech com­pa­nies: Evidon’s com­pa­ny direc­to­ry lists over 400 IAB-affiliated com­pa­nies in the ad tech busi­ness. Over half of them are full vot­ing mem­bers in our industry’s future.