Design Business Links 24 March 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Adobe’s Controversial Subscription Model Proves Surprisingly Popular – Businessweek

    When Adobe (ADBE) decid­ed last year to shift from being a com­pa­ny that sells soft­ware to one that rents it out, con­sumers were noth­ing short of furi­ous. Avid Photoshoppers described the sub­scrip­tion mod­el as preda­to­ry, com­plained loud­ly on forums across the Internet, and peti­tioned the White House to step in. Then, it seems, they signed up for month­ly subs.

  • I’m a Telemarketer. Here’s How to Get Rid of Me
    I’ve worked for a tele­mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny for two years and made a lot of unwant­ed calls. I have to keep mak­ing them because most peo­ple don’t know how to get rid of us, but the right approach can make all the dif­fer­ence. Here’s how you can get r…
  • How Long You Would Last in a Zombie Apocalypse? #Infographic

    Zombies are every­where but in real life, tak­ing over our TV screens, com­ic books and crawl­ing the web. We always joke about an apoc­a­lypse, but nev­er real­ly get down to the bot­tom of this faux-nomenon — if zom­bies were real, how long would you last?

  • Two Factors for Digital Publishing Success
    “With the dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing world con­stant­ly expand­ing and evolv­ing, pub­lish­ers are need­ing to become more cre­ative and com­pet­i­tive to reach a larg­er audi­ence. Aquafadas believes that there are two main fac­tors that pub­lish­ers should keep in m…
  • 45+ Unusual And Free Adobe Photoshop Brush Sets
    “Check them out and pick the ones you like the best. We hope that you will like this col­lec­tion and find these amaz­ing Photoshop brush sets use­ful for you. Feel free to share your opin­ions with us via com­ment sec­tion below. Your com­ments are al…
  • 9 lessons Mad Men can teach free­lance designers

    It may be fic­tion and it may be old-fashioned, but mod­ern free­lancers can learn a few things from the dys­func­tion­al dip­so­ma­ni­acs of Mad Men. Here are nine tips we’ve gleaned from a foren­sic view­ing of this essen­tial series…

  • How to Write a Press Release (and 3 Places to Send It)

    Those would be some great long term goals for your press releas­es, but in the mean­time, let’s start with three places you should send your press releas­es (and might actu­al get some press attention).”

  • 3 Reasons You Need a Financial Spring Cleaning
    Here are three rea­sons you need a finan­cial spring cleaning:
  • 10 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Designer

    Well, we’ve dis­cussed the ben­e­fits of dat­ing a geek. But what’s life like when you’re dat­ing a design­er? They’re geeks as well, right? 

  • The Economist Says: Adobe’s Bold Embrace of the Computing Cloud Should Inspire Others

    ON MARCH 18th Adobe pub­lished its lat­est quar­ter­ly results, show­ing net income of $47m, down by 28% on a year ear­li­er. It was the fifth quar­ter in a row in which the mak­er of pro­fes­sion­al graph­ics soft­ware, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, had report­ed a sharp drop in year-on-year earn­ings. At most list­ed firms that would trig­ger a stock­mar­ket blood­bath. Yet Adobe’s share price has soared by 63% over the past 12 months (see chart).

  • 10 Great apps for busy free­lancers: account­ing, con­tracts, etc.

    Here is a list of 10 tools/apps to sup­port your life as an fan­tas­tic free­lancer. Whether you’re typ­ing ideas on your smart­phone, blog­ging at your local cof­fee shop or attend­ing meet­ings at the lat­est co-working space, you’ll be synced up and ready to go:

  • End The 9 To 5 Workday Once And For All

    Workplace flex­i­bil­i­ty isn’t just ben­e­fi­cial to mil­len­ni­als but to every­one work­ing at a com­pa­ny from the intern to the CEO. I recent­ly received an email from my friend who works for a tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny with approx­i­mate­ly 3,000 employ­ees. She asked her man­ag­er about work­ing at home a few days each week like she was able to at her last job and her man­agers response was this:”

  • Improve Your Type Pairings
    “The web­site Type Connection helps you improve your typo­graph­ic eye by cast­ing the pair­ing of type as an inter­ac­tive dat­ing game.”
  • The Pointlessness of Unplugging

    But how quick­ly the dig­i­tal age turned into the age of tech­no­log­i­cal anx­i­ety, with our beloved devices becom­ing some­thing to fear, not enjoy. What sex was for the Puritans, tech­nol­o­gy has become for us. We’ve focussed our col­lec­tive anx­i­ety on dig­i­tal excess, and recon­nect­ing with the “real” world around us rep­re­sents one effort to con­trol it.

  • Facebook Pages Redesign Begins Rolling Out

    This week, we’ll begin rolling out a stream­lined look for Pages on desk­top that will make it eas­i­er for peo­ple to find the infor­ma­tion they want and help Page admins find the tools they use most. Here are the key fea­tures of the update:”

  • Free Photoshop Plugin Gives UI Designers Excellent Shapes
    “Use the FlatIcon plu­g­in to quick­ly find the icons you need for your design, with­out leav­ing your work­ing enviroment.
  • Recorded Books Announces Partnership with FastPencil to Bring Self-Publishing to Librares
    “Recorded Books has announced a part­ner­ship with self-publishing resource FastPencil to bring pub­lic libraries an elec­tron­ic resource that enables estab­lished and aspir­ing authors to cre­ate and pre­pare orig­i­nal works for publication.”

  • Ink. A Photoshop Documentor Plugin for Collaborative Design
    “Ink is a plu­g­in that helps you pro­vid­ing few extra impor­tant infor­ma­tions about your mock­ups by doc­u­ment­ing your lay­ers, from typog­ra­phy to effects and shape sizes.”
  • 11 Movies that Shaped the Digital Revolution of Cinematography

    Hollywood is chang­ing: Paramount Pictures no longer pro­duces films on cel­lu­loid and Old Guard direc­tors like Martin Scorsese are shoot­ing their movies with dig­i­tal cam­eras. Here’s a list of impor­tant films that helped pro­pel Tinseltown’s con­tro­ver­sial shift from film into dig­i­tal, from niche-market fad to high-profile indus­try standard.