Design Business Links 5 March 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 3 New Tricks To Clean Up Your Facebook News Feed

    With Facebook turn­ing 10 recent­ly, you may have realised just how long you’ve been a part of the social net­work your­self. In that time, you prob­a­bly made friends with lots and lots of peo­ple for many dif­fer­ent rea­sons — some may not be very rel­e­vant any­more. It’s prob­a­bly time to clean up your feed, isn’t it?

  • Terrible Web Design Trends

    From puka shell neck­laces to plank­ing, the pow­er of trends is unde­ni­able. In a dig­i­tal age dom­i­nat­ed by social media, memes, and an audi­ence with an ever-shortening atten­tion span, trends have become a part of Internet life.

    And as the Web con­tin­ues to ado­lesce, web design is sub­ject­ed to rapid­ly chang­ing trends as well.

    Continuously devel­op­ing design and devel­op­ment tech­nolo­gies mean that trends in our indus­try quick­ly come and go.

    I’ll dis­cuss some of the worst web design trends we have seen through­out the Internet’s his­to­ry, many of which are — thank­ful­ly — not that com­mon anymore.”

  • Digital Arts’ 20 Best Illustrator Tutorials
    “Learn tech­niques for Adobe Illustrator across vec­tor art, vec­tor graph­ics, typog­ra­phy, pat­tern design and more.

  • The Science Behind Fonts (And How They Make You Feel)

    Typography and kern­ing don’t only serve to make things pret­ty, they can also affect how you feel and per­ceive what you’re read­ing. Mikael Cho, the co-founder of ooomf, cre­at­ed a guide (com­plete with pic­tures and how-to’s) on how every­thing from sizes, to styles, and line spac­ing can make you feel good.

  • Why you’re design­ing for the wrong audi­ence (and how to fix it)
    “Do you have a drib­ble account, share all your work to social net­works or con­stant­ly ask for cri­tiques of your work from oth­er designers?

    Non of those things are bad in and of themselves.

    They could how­ev­er be symp­toms of a much big­ger proble…

  • How I Got My Stolen Laptop Back Within 24 Hours Using Prey
    “After dri­ving for a while to our next des­ti­na­tion think­ing the lap­top was long gone, I sort of remem­bered down­load­ing a track­ing pro­gram a while back after hear­ing about Sean Power recov­er­ing his lap­top after it was stolen.P

  • Start Your Morning Off with Funny Videos to Be More Creative
    “A study pub­lished in Psychological Science demon­strat­ed that begin­ning your work­day with reg­u­lar news did­n’t do much to help cre­ative prob­lem solv­ing. Hearing some­thing trag­ic or depress­ing like a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter was even worse. However, view…
  • Designerbox: the design-led sub­scrip­tion box ser­vice unveils its lat­est edition

    There’s noth­ing quite like the excite­ment of receiv­ing a sur­prise gift in the post, and its even bet­ter if the gift in ques­tion turns out to be a beau­ti­ful­ly made, lim­it­ed edi­tion design object. It was this expe­ri­ence that Bénédicte Colpin and Tomas Erel, founders of Iconic Product Collection (IPC), had in mind when they con­ceived Designerbox​.com: a design-minded sub­scrip­tion box service.”

  • 30 Fresh & Creative Product Packaging Designs

    Creative pack­ag­ing whether if it’s for a con­sumer prod­uct or for mar­ket­ing mate­r­i­al can mean the suc­cess of down­fall of your prod­uct. Here are some fresh and cre­ative prod­uct pack­ag­ing designs we’ve found scat­tered through­out the inter­net. Perhaps some of these exam­ples will inspire you when it comes to cre­at­ing that unique direct mail piece or street mar­ket­ing hand­out. It nev­er hurts to get a lit­tle cre­ative and try some­thing new and out of the box!