Design Business Links 6 March 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Anne Rice, oth­er authors sign peti­tion ask­ing Amazon to take action against forum trolls, bullies

    The Guardian reports that author Anne Rice is tak­ing a stand against abu­sive anony­mous com­ments post­ed on Amazon. She’s got­ten a petition…”

  • Top 7 Ways to Personalize Your Mac OS X Desktop

    Make your Mac more per­son­al: change how appli­ca­tions, your desk­top and the rest of OS X looks. 
    Mac’s aren’t famous for being cus­tomiz­able. Windows has long offered dif­fer­ing col­or schemes and themes, but OS X basi­cal­ly lets you pick between blue and grey. That doesn’t mean you can’t per­son­al­ize OS X, how­ev­er: you just need to know which soft­ware to use.”

  • How Social Tools Have Failed In the Enterprise So Far

    It’s becom­ing increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult to state that social col­lab­o­ra­tion tools do not help with office productivity.

    The cur­rent gen­er­a­tion of white-collar work­ers did not exist in the pre-Internet age, so not using social tools to col­lab­o­rate seems counter-intuitive. It’s like telling some­one in the Iron Age to still use bronze sim­ply because it’s “what they are used to,” despite the fact that iron is far supe­ri­or in strength.”

  • It’s The End Of Days For Windows XP – Microsoft Will Send Pop-up Reminders Monthly

    It’s the end of the line for Windows XP. Microsoft is plan­ning to use pop-up warn­ings to remind users to upgrade and it could start as soon as next week. Windows XP will end its 12-year suc­cess­ful run on April 8th and Microsoft wants the con­sid­er­able num­ber of users to shift over to more mod­ern ver­sions of its oper­at­ing sys­tem. The pop-up noti­fi­ca­tions will be enabled from March 8th fol­low­ing the month­ly patch cycle of Windows Update.

  • AnyFont Installs Additional Fonts In iOS
    “With AnyFont you can open an OpenType or TrueType font on your iOS device using the “Open In” option in apps like Dropbox. Tap the font you want and AnyFont installs in using a con­fig­u­ra­tion profile.”
  • Best OS X Mavericks tips and tricks
    “OS X Mavericks adds hun­dreds of new fea­tures, big and small, for you to tin­ker with. In fact, so many are there that’s it’s easy to miss the gems hid­den in bits you rarely look at. Our guide picks out some of the best.
  • 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently
    “Creativity works in mys­te­ri­ous and often para­dox­i­cal ways. Creative think­ing is a sta­ble, defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic in some per­son­al­i­ties, but it may also change based on sit­u­a­tion and con­text. Inspiration and ideas often arise seem­ing­ly out of …
  • Designer Recreates Adobe’s Logo Using Colorful Water Drops, WITHOUT Photoshop

    However, graph­ic design­er Alex Trochut has decid­ed to try recre­at­ing Adobe’s famous logo with­out rely­ing on any of its wide­ly used products—to achieve this, he got cre­ative with col­ored water and a spray named “Neverwet” that ren­ders sur­face hydrophobic. ”

  • Sanity Finally Prevails! Candy Crush Saga Owner King Finally Stops Trying to Trademark the Word “Candy” #ip

    According to doc­u­ments post­ed by the U.S. Trademark office and uncov­ered by Polygon, ”the appli­cant here­by express­ly aban­dons the appli­ca­tion for trade­mark reg­is­tra­tion made.” The doc­u­ments were filed yes­ter­day on February 24, 2014, in response to a trade­mark that was orig­i­nal­ly filed on February 6th, 2013 and approved on January 5th of this year. This type of approved trade­mark would have giv­en King exclu­sive rights to use the word “can­dy” in video games, on cloth­ing, and on a whole bunch of oth­er kinds of merchandise.

  • Novelist claims Amazon search result tied to pub­lish­er bribes

    Salon Magazine has nev­er made any secret that it leans strong­ly against Amazon, and it’s found yet anoth­er sil­ly rea­son to pile onto the band­wag­on with this com­plaint from nov­el­ist Stephan Eirik Clark. Because Amazon’s search algo­rithms are “for sale,” he con­cludes, Amazon “buried my nov­el.” For a while. Until it didn’t. Clark has a…”

  • 10 of the most con­tro­ver­sial pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tips that actu­al­ly work

    So with this arti­cle, I tried to real­ly step aside from the pop­u­lar and look for the counter-intuitive. Of course, it’s all backed by the lat­est and most rep­utable studies.

    Let’s dig and find out some of the most con­tro­ver­sial things you could do today to boost your cre­ativ­i­ty, hap­pi­ness and productivity:”