The Week in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 6 May 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The Internet Is About to Become Worse Than Television – Net Neutrality to be Overturned
    “The pro­posed rules were revealed in the New York Times, and they would over­turn the prin­ci­ple of “net­work neu­tral­i­ty” on the inter­net. Put sim­ply, net­work neu­tral­i­ty allows you to use ser­vices from rich com­pa­nies like Google and small startups…
  • 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With The WordPress Config File

    In fact, there’s a lot of less­er known use­ful hacks that can be with­out dam­ag­ing WordPress in any way, and it’s about time you took your WordPress skills up a notch. Read on for 5 of my favourite wp-config tricks.

  • Pariah Burke on the Biggest Challenge Facing Designers, Inspiration to be a Designer, More

    Rather than a title, I sum up my pro­fes­sion­al role in my tagline: Inspiring, Informing, and Empowering Creative Professionals.™

    That’s what I do, day in, day out: I work as hard as I can to inspire, inform, and empow­er cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als so that they can do their cho­sen pro­fes­sions and projects with a min­i­mum of frus­tra­tion and as few obsta­cles as pos­si­ble and with a max­i­mum of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and enjoy­ment. I do that through writ­ing books and arti­cles, pro­duc­ing videos and live broad­casts, appear­ing on stage at con­fer­ences and events, giv­ing work­shops and webi­na­rs, pro­vid­ing web­sites and newslet­ters, and offer­ing fully-customized, learner- and workflow-specific train­ing class­es and consultation.”

  • What Clients Don’t Know (and Why It’s Your Fault) by Mike Monteiro [Video, PG-13 Language]

    When in-house or exter­nal clients go out in search of design they often have no idea how to describe what they need, mea­sure what they’re look­ing for, or eval­u­ate who they might work for and sub­se­quent­ly, the work that’s pro­duced. As design­ers it’s our job to help site own­ers and stake­hold­ers fig­ure these things out and to give them the tools and knowl­edge they need to eval­u­ate whether what we do is what they need. Without that insight clients have noth­ing to go on but gut instinct and subjectivity.

  • Copy, Transform, and Combine: Where Ideas Come From

    Kirby Ferguson argues, “cre­ativ­i­ty isn’t mag­ic. It hap­pens by apply­ing ordi­nary tools of thought to exist­ing mate­ri­als.” How?”

  • Copy, Transform, and Combine: Where Ideas Come From

    Kirby Ferguson argues, “cre­ativ­i­ty isn’t mag­ic. It hap­pens by apply­ing ordi­nary tools of thought to exist­ing mate­ri­als.” How?”

  • The 8 biggest typog­ra­phy mis­takes design­ers make

    Type might look sim­ple, but it’s still pos­si­ble to get it very wrong. Here are 8 com­mon pit­falls to avoid.

  • Researchers: Does Breaking Bread Help Make a Negotiation a Success?
    “Deals over lunch may be tasty, but here’s why they’re not always smart.” –Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Effective Cloud Migration for Businesses
    “For many busi­ness­es, cloud com­put­ing may seem like a sim­ple tech­nol­o­gy to adopt. However, the tran­si­tion phase can result in mas­sive IT relat­ed headaches. One can­not sim­ply just turn on a switch to cloud com­put­ing. Your busi­ness will need to f…
  • 30 Great Logo Designs From Companies You’ve Never Heard Of
    “Rather than re-hash posts of old and show you Coca Cola and Apple logos, here is some inspi­ra­tion from some of the lit­tle guys (note: you may actu­al­ly have heard of some of them).

  • Attempting to “Just Opt-Out” of Big Data Collection Can Leave You Feeling (and LOOKING) Like a Criminal

    The myth that users will “vote with their feet” is sim­ply wrong if opt­ing out comes at such a high price. With social, finan­cial and even poten­tial­ly legal reper­cus­sions involved, the bar­ri­ers for exit are high. This leaves users and con­sumers with no real choice nor voice to express our concerns.”

  • Send More Than the Default Request for Successful LinkedIn Connections
    “DO: Peter, Its great to see you on LinkedIn! Amazing pro­file by the way! I would love to con­nect with you to stay in touch and learn more about your role at XYZ corp. If I can ever help you out, please let me know. Go ahead and look through my…