Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 1 July 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • The Problem with Part-Time Work Is That It’s Rarely Part-Time
    After using time-diary stud­ies to track 1,001 days in the lives of women who earn six fig­ures and also have kids, I found that many of those on offi­cial part-time sched­ules work well out­side the bounds of them.
  • How to shoot in tight spaces
    Alpha Century tells us what they learned from shoot­ing inside a real Boeing 787 with flight staff for recent Virgin Atlantic pro­mo films.Tags: Photography
  • How to Keep the World from Distracting You When You Work From Home
    A few months ago, I was inter­view­ing some­one for a sto­ry when I heard a knock at my door. It was my apartment’s main­te­nance crew, a day late to install some­thing. Before I could pause the inter­view, the knock­ing turned into loud bang­ing, and it didn’t take long before my inter­view sub­ject asked, “are you okay over there?”


  • Should Publishers Push Either Digital or Print?

    Krehbiel rec­om­mends a more straight­for­ward approach; if your read­ers want print, give them print. Don’t force them to move to dig­i­tal if they pre­fer oth­er­wise. He sug­gests pub­lish­ers take a “we don’t care” stance on delivery.


  • Designer vs. Non-Designer [Infographic]
    There is a huge dif­fer­ence between how design­er vs non design­er view art. There is no com­par­i­son of skill and design knowl­edge between the two, and we explain why in this infographic.Tags: Design Business
  • Authors: How to Throw the Best Online Party for Your Book. Ever.

    So, you’re not rent­ing out the ball­room at the Ritz Carlton for your book release par­ty? Let’s face it, who can? But, just because you’re pub­lish­ing a book on a bud­get, it doesn’t mean you have to sac­ri­fice the art of enter­tain­ing. Think vir­tu­al­ly. Online par­ties are easy on the wal­let and the nerves. Plus, they can be an inte­gral part of your social media strat­e­gy, which is crit­i­cal to con­nect­ing with read­ers and ush­er­ing them to click on that all-important “Buy Now” button.


  • Word Count? How Long Should My Book Be? [Video]
    Concerned about word count? In this video I dis­cuss how to deter­mine how long your book should be and some best prac­tices when decid­ing on word count.Tags: Writing AmWriting self­pub epub
  • Fiction University: The Dark Side of Digital

    The entire pub­lish­ing indus­try, from pub­lish­ers through to agents, is going to base more and more of its acqui­si­tion, edi­to­r­i­al, and mar­ket­ing deci­sions on Big Data (I call this The Hollywood Syndrome, and have writ­ten about it on my blog2). If, for instance, it turns out that books in which the vil­lain has a cat enjoy a high­er fin­ish rate, trad pubbed authors are going to come under a lot of pres­sure to make their vil­lains ailurophiles.
