Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 12 December 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • The Internet: Addicted to Distraction – NYT Opinion

    The net is designed to be an inter­rup­tion sys­tem, a machine geared to divid­ing atten­tion,” Nicholas Carr explains in his book “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.” “We will­ing­ly accept the loss of con­cen­tra­tion and focus, the divi­sion of our atten­tion and the frag­men­ta­tion of our thoughts, in return for the wealth of com­pelling or at least divert­ing infor­ma­tion we receive.”

  • What Is Content Marketing?
    Here’s a handy, sys­tem­at­ic, and exhaus­tive guide to con­tent mar­ket­ing that cov­ers the essen­tials of build­ing a viable online plat­form that converts.Tags: CM ContentMarketing
  • What Would a Real Freelancer’s Union Look Like?
    The time is right for a major col­lec­tive effort by free­lance writ­ers to cap­i­tal­ize on the suc­cess of the indus­try and find a way to improve their work­ing conditions.Tags: Freelance Writing AmWriting
  • Why PowerPoint Isn’t the Right Choice for Interactive E‑Learning
    PowerPoint is a great mul­ti­me­dia appli­ca­tion but it’s not the best appli­ca­tion to cre­ate inter­ac­tive e‑learning. Here’s why.Tags: Ed Edu K12 elearn lms
  • Kindle Income: 4 Tips For Short Story Cash
    Use short sto­ries to increase your Kindle income. Yes, you can make mon­ey writ­ing them; more income than you could make pre­vi­ous­ly. These tips will help.Tags: Writing AmWriting self­pub epub
  • How to Write Better Professional Objectives

    Would you read a book with a dull title? When you apply for a job, the pro­fes­sion­al objec­tive state­ment is like a title describ­ing your résumé. If it’s intrigu­ing, the hir­ing man­ag­er might want to see what else your résumé has to say about you. If it’s lack­lus­ter, your résumé might not hold much inter­est for her. You can write a pro­fes­sion­al objec­tive that will invite hir­ing man­agers to read beyond it. But how?

  • 14 of the Longest Words in English

    Yes, this arti­cle is about some of the longest English words on record. No, you will not find the very longest word in English in this arti­cle. That one word would span about fifty-seven pages. It’s the chem­i­cal name for the titin pro­tein found in humans. Its full name has 189,819 let­ters. Would you like to hear it pro­nounced? One man help­ful­ly sounds it out in a YouTube video, but pop some pop­corn before you get start­ed! It will take you over three hours to watch—it’s just slight­ly short­er than the film Gone with the Wind. Dictionaries omit the name of this pro­tein and many oth­er long words. Obviously, dic­tio­nar­ies have space con­straints, and the aver­age per­son would have no need to know the tech­ni­cal names of chem­i­cals. Still, there are plen­ty of lengthy words in dic­tio­nar­ies. Let’s take a moment to appre­ci­ate a few of them.


  • Artist Tattoos Tools Of People’s Professions On Their Skin
    Oozy, a tat­too artist in South Korea, cre­ates beau­ti­ful, detailed tat­toos depict­ing the tools that some of his clients use to make a liv­ing. Whether they’re chefs or crafts­peo­ple, the tools are a sim­ple, ele­gant and beau­ti­ful tes­ta­ment to their work a…
  • Flat 2.0 & How It Solves Flat Design’s Usability Problems

    While flat design gives us tremen­dous help and a great toolk­it to pro­vide our users with fast and clutter-free web­sites, it can cause cer­tain usabil­i­ty prob­lems, espe­cial­ly when it’s overused.

  • What Could Happen If You Worked As Hard As You Possibly Could?
    Fact: I’ve nev­er worked as hard in my entire life as I did last year. (Because I’m a stu­dent, I now think in aca­d­e­m­ic years, so I mean the peri­od between September 2014 and the end of May.) Here’s anoth­er fact you might not know, one you might be sur­prised to learn: I had never…


  • 60+ Fresh Resources for Designers, December 2015

    Here we are again with a cool col­lec­tion of more than 60 fresh resources for you to down­load. You’ll find stacks of icons, tons of web devel­op­ment tools, new respon­sive con­cepts, plu­g­ins, WordPress themes, PSD tem­plates, incred­i­ble UI kits, and of course some awe­some fonts.


  • 13 Tantalizing Incentives that Will Build Your Email List
    Need a quick way to entice some­one to join your email list or reg­is­ter for your web­site? Give away some­thing for free. Beth Hayden shares 13 win­ning ideas.