Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 13 February 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • 150+ Epic Examples Of Editorial Design

    A lot of peo­ple read mag­a­zines for the infor­ma­tion, the sto­ries, and the pic­tures – there is no doubt about that! However, anoth­er rea­son we love mag­a­zines (espe­cial­ly today) is because of their time­less and beau­ti­ful designs, lay­outs and illus­tra­tion art­work. I know that for me a lot of emo­tions come up any­time I pick up an old mag­a­zine I read as a kid, or even pick up a new mag­a­zine today, the way they are craft­ed real­ly leaves an imprint on our lives if done cor­rect­ly. Great design just sits in the back­ground of books and mag­a­zines as we peruse and catch up on the news or what­ev­er it is that the edi­to­r­i­al is about, play­ing a big part of a beau­ti­ful per­for­mance com­posed by writ­ers, artists and jour­nal­ists. Without the words the edi­to­r­i­al wouldn’t have a voice, but the imagery cre­at­ed to accom­pa­ny the pieces is just as impor­tant and has been the tra­di­tion of print media for sev­er­al cen­turies (start­ing way back in the 1400’s! Its has even moved onto the web now, of course!). Let us dig into a lit­tle bit of edi­to­r­i­al his­to­ry to see how this trend got start­ed in the first place shall we?


  • Frightening sto­ry, though dis­joint­ed­ly writ­ten – The £8.8m typo: how the let­ter S killed a 124 y.o. fam­i­ly business
    The Welsh engi­neer­ing firm of Taylor & Sons has won a major claim against the gov­ern­ment agency after they mixed it up with anoth­er firm of a sim­i­lar name
  • What Will Save Us from the Dark Side of CSS Pre-Processors?
    To spare our­selves the com­plex­i­ty and tedi­um of writ­ing CSS, we’ve embraced CSS pre-processors. But we must use them wise­ly or risk out­putting CSS that is weird­ly con­vo­lut­ed and just so wrong. Could post-processors save us from the pit­falls of pre-processors? Lyza D. Gardner is cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about their future, but also has a solu­tion we can imple­ment right now to save our­selves from both unchecked pre-processors and unsea­soned post-processors.


  • What Will Save Us from the Dark Side of CSS Pre-Processors?
    To spare our­selves the com­plex­i­ty and tedi­um of writ­ing CSS, we’ve embraced CSS pre-processors. But we must use them wise­ly or risk out­putting CSS that is weird­ly con­vo­lut­ed and just so wrong. Could post-processors save us from the pit­falls of pre-processors? Lyza D. Gardner is cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about their future, but also has a solu­tion we can imple­ment right now to save our­selves from both unchecked pre-processors and unsea­soned post-processors.


  • Murder in Italic — I Love Typography
    However, the falling out with Aldus, seri­ous though it was, pales in com­par­i­son to an alter­ca­tion with his son-in-law. We know noth­ing of the cir­cum­stances that led up to the fight, but we do know that it con­clud­ed with Griffo appar­ent­ly beat­ing him t…
  • Vector Drawing on the Go – Adobe Shape to Draw to Illustrator
    Illustrator Brian Yap shares his process for draw­ing vec­tor images no mat­ter where he may be.

    I’m always draw­ing, so I love the free­dom that comes with mobile illus­tra­tion apps. Because not every­one is com­fort­able with them, I’m demys­ti­fy­ing the process by show­ing you how I work. This process is a great way to cre­ate a vec­tor illus­tra­tion or get a head start on a more com­plex vec­tor draw­ing. Even if your process is dif­fer­ent, you might be inter­est­ed in see­ing how you can go from mobile apps to Adobe Illustrator CC. 


  • 5 Typeface Challenges in Designing For Next-Gen Interfaces

    Good typog­ra­phy will be key; small screens don’t have much room, and information-intensive dis­plays like auto­mo­bile instru­ment clus­ters depend on clar­i­ty and “glance-ability” to quick­ly con­vey crit­i­cal infor­ma­tion in the most effec­tive manner.

    Here are five typo­graph­ic con­sid­er­a­tions design­ers should keep in mind when cre­at­ing their next interface.


  • Adobe Creative Cloud for enter­prise now sup­ports Single Sign-On

    With SSO sup­port, we’re deliv­er­ing on our promise to pro­vide IT admin­is­tra­tors bet­ter secu­ri­ty con­trols and allow­ing users to log in with a sin­gle cre­den­tial to access Creative Cloud for enter­prise desk­top apps, ser­vices and mobile apps.


  • The Guy Who Knows Everything About Comics Finally Made a Graphic Novel
    If you’ve writ­ten the book on mak­ing comics, what kind of comics do you make? For Scott McCloud, it’s an ambi­tious graph­ic nov­el about cre­ativ­i­ty itself.