Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 17 September 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Why is Canadian English unique from US English and UK English?
    America’s neigh­bour resist­ed annex­a­tion by the US and its peo­ple remained sub­jects of the British monarch. But Canada’s English isn’t British or American, writes James Harbeck.
  • Why is Canadian English unique from US English and UK English?
    America’s neigh­bour resist­ed annex­a­tion by the US and its peo­ple remained sub­jects of the British monarch. But Canada’s English isn’t British or American, writes James Harbeck.
  • 20 Lessons The Avengers Can Teach You About Design
    There are six dis­tinct char­ac­ters, each with their own well-established fran­chise, and each with a unique col­or scheme, per­son­al­i­ty, and over­all “feel.” And most inter­est­ing­ly, each of them has a few lessons to teach us.


  • 10 Unique Uses of Trello Beyond Project Management

    Here’s a com­pi­la­tion of some unusu­al uses for Trello.


  • How A Design Team Co-Opted Hacker Tactics To Fight Cybercrime
    What hap­pens when you throw visu­al­ly dri­ven design­er types into a room full of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty wonks?Cybercrime rings col­lab­o­rate. Security ana­lysts don’t. So IBM built a social plat­form to track and share infor­ma­tion about glob­al threats.Tags: Privacy …
  • The Art of Branding [Podcast]

    In this episode of Unemployable with Brian Clark, Kathleen Shannon and Brian discuss:

    • The ori­gin of the term brand­ing (and why your logo isn’t your brand)
    • Why you only have to be a step ahead of your audience
    • Why posi­tion­ing is a promise that you have to then live
    • How empa­thy helps you posi­tion your brand correctly
    • Finding the authen­tic inter­sec­tion between you and your audience


  • WordPress Ecommerce Online Video Course
    Want to build an online store? Build it with WordPress and take advan­tage of all the sophis­ti­cat­ed plu­g­ins and rich devel­op­ment fea­tures the plat­form has to offer.Topics include:Defining your audienceOrganizing your productsMarketing your WordPress si…