Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 19 May 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Top Ten List of Truths for Self-publishers (Part 2)

    Today we have the last five tips from A.P. Fuchs’ top truths for self-published authors. Take a look and if you missed it check out part one here. ”

  • 12 Surprising Facts About Entrepreneurs
    In any case, here are some of the points from the report that I found the most interesting.
  • The Hottest Web Design Trends of 2014: Updated

    But trends change like pic­tures in fash­ion mag­a­zines, so let’s take anoth­er look with a dif­fer­ent approach”

  • 110+ Free Creative Web Widget PSD Designs

    In this com­pi­la­tion below, you’ll find some of the best Free Downloadable Web Widget PSDs which might handy for your design projects. This is not the tra­di­tion­al long list with all the avail­able PSD tem­plates on the inter­net but it’s an refined col­lec­tion of best hand­picked PSD templates.”

  • Proper WordPress Filesystem Permissions And Ownerships

    ” Installing secu­ri­ty plu­g­ins is a good prac­tice and a must for every WordPress web­site. However, if your file-system per­mis­sions aren’t set up cor­rect­ly, most of your secu­ri­ty mea­sures could be eas­i­ly bypassed by intruders.”

  • 25 Web Designs Built With Unusual Shapes & Angles

    Websites are nat­u­ral­ly made up of a series of square blocks due to the way they’re cod­ed with HTML. This results in the typ­i­cal boxy designs we’ve all come to expect on the web, but some design­ers are break­ing free from the lim­i­ta­tions of hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal lines to exper­i­ment with oth­er lay­outs. Today’s web design show­case fea­tures 25 cool sites that think out­side the box with unusu­al shapes and angles. ”

  • Design 101 – The Psychology of Fonts For Logo Design
    “Although the read­er is gen­er­al­ly not aware of it, every font elic­its an emo­tion­al response. Serif, sans serif, script, mod­ern and nov­el­ty type­faces are all freight­ed with meaning. ”
  • Design 101 – The Psychology of Fonts For Logo Design
    “Although the read­er is gen­er­al­ly not aware of it, every font elic­its an emo­tion­al response. Serif, sans serif, script, mod­ern and nov­el­ty type­faces are all freight­ed with meaning. ”
  • When Your Boss Wants To Be Friends On Facebook

    These exam­ples sim­ply show poor judge­ment, but what about those peo­ple who sim­ply like to keep their pri­vate life sep­a­rate from their work life? For exam­ple, one of my friends felt oblig­ed to accept a Facebook friend request from her boss and then basi­cal­ly stopped using Facebook because she felt she could no longer be her­self. She didn’t feel com­fort­able shar­ing her pri­vate life with some­one at work.

  • Translating Client-Speak Like A Pro [Infographic]

    To help design­ers under­stand and trans­late ‘client-speak’, Plato Web Design cre­at­ed an infographic. ”

  • Imaginative, Surreal Scenarios Created With Digitally Manipulated Photos

    Beunos Aires-based art direc­tor Martín De Pasquale manip­u­lates pho­tos to cre­ate sur­re­al sce­nar­ios that brim with cre­ativ­i­ty and imagination. ”

  • The Ultimate Guide to Identifying Fonts

    Some design­ers pride them­selves in their font mem­o­riza­tion abil­i­ties; if you want to become one of these peo­ple, I wish you luck. Whether you learn your fonts from using them in your work, curat­ing fonts for oth­ers, or by com­plet­ing mem­o­riza­tion exer­cis­es, it is unde­ni­ably a use­ful skill. But with thou­sands of fonts avail­able there are lim­its to what even the most ded­i­cat­ed font fans can memorize—which is where tools come into play.”

  • The Future of WordPress
    “As we look toward the future of WordPress, it is impor­tant to eval­u­ate cur­rent prac­tices and trends with­in the WordPress user base, as well as the indus­try as a whole.”
  • Moms, Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Publishing
    “Many moms give all their time and ener­gy to their fam­i­lies and work. They strug­gle to find time to do the things they love, but you deserve a break. Let the dish­es sit in the sink for the night, and spend some time writing.”
  • Ask Ted: Is my price to high?

    Chuck had sum­mit­ed a pro­pos­al and, aside from acknowl­edg­ing that he’d received it, had heard noth­ing from his client con­tact, Robert. ”

  • Who’s Reading Digital Magazines? Not Their Editors.
    ” Not edi­tors. A sur­vey reveals only a minor­i­ty are dig­i­tal sub­scribers themselves.”
  • Four Color Process for Those Nostalgic About It

    I’ve been read­ing com­ic books off and on since I was lit­tle. There was a time when I thought I’d like to pur­sue a career in draw­ing comics. I enjoy the medi­um immense­ly for both its art and sto­ry­telling explo­rations. The art in par­tic­u­lar has always held a place in my heart, which is why when I found John Hilgart’s Four Color Process blog I lost most of a morn­ing pour­ing through the images.”

  • 28+ Graphic Design Books You Should Read
    “We have a round up of the most moti­vat­ing Graphic Design Books You Should Read. Learning Graphic Design can be a life long process, Graphic Designer should always be learn­ing the lat­est ideas and trend if they want to keep up with lat­est trend…
  • How To Increase Piracy of eBooks
    “Publishers’ fear of pira­cy was so great that they chose not to sell direct to Kindle own­ers or indeed sell Kindle-compatible books through any non-Amazon retail­er. In oth­er words, it’s pub­lish­ers who are build­ing the high walls around Amazon’s…