Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 20 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Canvas fin­ger­print­ing lets adver­tis­ers to track every­where you go online, and there’s noth­ing you can do to stop it.

    There’s a new way for adver­tis­ers to track you. And there’s almost noth­ing you can do to stop it.

    It’s called Canvas Fingerprinting, and it can be found on almost five per­cent of the top 100,000 web­sites, from Whitehouse​.gov, to dat­ing site Plenty Of Fish.

  • 5 Must-have Android Apps for Designers

    That’s why, in this arti­cle, we’re going to show you 5 of the best Android design apps that can improve your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty wher­ev­er you are.

  • Filter Twitter by Number of Retweets for Better Search Results
    However, there are some undoc­u­ment­ed search oper­a­tors that you can use to fil­ter out the junk.
  • 9 Design Ideas That Shaped The Web
    From emoti­cons to GIFs to graph­i­cal user inter­faces, the inven­tions that opened the web to everyone.
  • Create a Proper Reflection in Adobe Illustrator Using MirrorMe and Stylism

    Let’s cre­ate a per­spec­tive of dis­tor­tion of an object and its reflec­tion on the exam­ple of a par­al­lelepiped. Let’s name this object a brick. The pic­ture below shows two pro­jec­tions of brick – frontal (top) and hor­i­zon­tal (bot­tom). This is how our brick looks when viewed from side and top.

  • 20 Free Fonts for Minimalistic Designs
    New projects require new fonts, right? There are a lot of free fonts that are quite pop­u­lar and can be seen almost every­where around the web, for exam­ple, in new web­site tem­plates, ban­ners, fly­ers, and so on. If you are begin­ning to see Open Sa…
  • For your inspi­ra­tion: 30 Unofficial Redesigns of Popular Social Media Sites

    As web design­ers we often get frus­trat­ed with the UI and UX design of sites we com­mon­ly use, with social media sites being right up there as the most annoy­ing! This can lead design­ers to have a go at redesign­ing them, albeit unof­fi­cial­ly as a per­son­al project just for fun. Sometimes these design con­cepts are pret­ty rad­i­cal, where­as oth­ers are so well made we can only wish they were the real deal. Check out this roundup of 30+ unof­fi­cial redesigns of Twitter, Facebook & YouTube. 

  • Should Comic Sans Be “Banned”?
    It’s not the only free-spirited font installed by default on most com­put­ers, but it’s almost cer­tain­ly the most wide­ly, and often inap­pro­pri­ate­ly, used. If you had your way, would Comic Sans ever see the light of day?
  • Where in the world should design­ers work?

    There’s a roman­tic mythol­o­gy around cer­tain cities. In fact, all you have to do is men­tion them, and a thou­sand images are con­jured up in your brain, the prod­uct of decades of his­to­ry and pop­u­lar cul­ture ref­er­ences. Paris. Milan. London. Rio de Janeiro. New York. No mat­ter where you live, you’ve like­ly heard of these places, and you know exact­ly what they are famous for.

  • Selecting the Right E‑commerce Plug-in For Your WordPress Site

    You can final­ly upload your prod­ucts for sale and you can’t wait to see how much busi­ness you can make. But wait, before all this hap­pens, don’t you have to select an ecom­merce plug-in for your WordPress site?