Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 22 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Prototypo, stream­lin­ing font creation
    Prototypo includes over twen­ty para­me­ters to mod­i­fy all built-in glyphs at once. Hobbyist and pro­fes­sion­al type design­ers can play, exper­i­ment and refine a wide range of body text fonts.
  • 15 Bizarre (And Insane) Programming Languages, from BrainF*ck to Malbolge
    “Welcome to the world of eso­teric pro­gram­ming lan­guages (aka esolang), where pro­gram­mers push the con­ven­tions of lan­guage design. These lan­guages are not meant to be easy to use. Quite the oppo­site, they are designed to chal­lenge, frus­trate and…
  • 30 Career Moves You Should Make By The Time You Are 30
    Making these moves in your twen­ties will pay off in your thir­ties and beyond.
  • How to make your flight atten­dant like you
    if you’re good to them, they’ll be extra nice to you. So here’s how to charm them.
  • A Designer’s Funny Response to Being Asked to Do Free Work
    Brooklyn-based design­er Dan Cassaro recent­ly received an email that invites him to sub­mit an art­work for free to be dis­played at a large event held at MGM Grand in Las Vegas. 

    His reply is a fun­ny and sar­cas­tic one that clev­er­ly high­lights why…

  • Can the police stop pho­tog­ra­phers from tak­ing pho­tos? – Know Your Rights
    The shoot­ing of unarmed 18-year old, Michael Brown, in Ferguson County, Missouri has once again made police bru­tal­i­ty a top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion across the media land­scape. Some may think that police bru­tal­i­ty is on the rise, but more like­ly, its …
  • 7 Tips To Boost Your Productivity

    As the name sug­gests, this pop­u­lar trend encom­pass­es tech­niques that can help you achieve great results by doing less than you need to. Today I’d like to share just a few of those tech­niques. Hopefully, they will help you achieve the best results for the task you’re fac­ing, in the short­est amount of time.

  • 7 Tips To Boost Your Productivity

    As the name sug­gests, this pop­u­lar trend encom­pass­es tech­niques that can help you achieve great results by doing less than you need to. Today I’d like to share just a few of those tech­niques. Hopefully, they will help you achieve the best results for the task you’re fac­ing, in the short­est amount of time.

  • Can I Use that Picture? Infographic walks you through using images from the Internet

    Can I Use that Picture? The Terms, Laws, and Ethics for Using Copyrighted Images

    Need to use an image but not sure if you have the legal and eth­i­cal right to do so? Understanding the laws for using images can be a bit tricky, espe­cial­ly because there is wig­gle room with­in the laws. And, with the mass dis­tri­b­u­tion of images on the inter­net, it’s no won­der we’re all ask­ing the the same ques­tion over and over again: can I use that picture?

  • How to Price Your Freelance Projects

    There’s no stan­dard rate for Graphic Design, and under­stand­ably – this makes pric­ing a bit of a thorny sub­ject in the indus­try. With each project being unique it’s quite dif­fi­cult to pub­lish rates at all. I’ve nev­er billed the same amount for two dif­fer­ent projects.

  • Are Magazine Apps Dead? A State of the Art Roundtable

    What went wrong? Are iPad apps dead, or do they still have a bright future? I reached out for answers to some of the smartest mag­a­zine mak­ers I know, folks who have been active in cre­at­ing dynam­ic edi­to­r­i­al prod­ucts on mul­ti­ple plat­forms, from print mag­a­zines to dai­ly news­pa­pers to web­sites. And of course, they’ve all been inte­gral in the devel­op­ment of some mem­o­rable mag­a­zine app projects. I asked them about the lack of enthu­si­asm for apps, how the pro­duc­tion sys­tem has affect­ed app cre­ation, and whether there’s a future for dig­i­tal mag­a­zines on the tablet platform.

  • Survey Reveals Keywords Do Still Matter on Your Resume
    Most of us assume key­words only real­ly mat­ter when it comes to get­ting your resume past a bot and into human hands. A new sur­vey of over 3 mil­lion resumes, all ranked by hir­ing man­agers, reveals that key­words are still impor­tant to peo­ple, too,…
  • Photoshop Tutorial – How to Remove Cellulite
    “Whenever sum­mer is near­ing cel­lulite extinc­tion is first on the agen­da of most women out there. Before you actu­al­ly get rid of it, you can get a taste of a cel­lulite free world through Photoshop. Lets see how you can get there sweat free.”

  • Multiple Master Fonts and OpenType: The Adobe Originals Silver Anniversary
    “This is the sev­enth in a series of arti­cles from Tamye Riggs, a long­time lover of type who is work­ing with us to cel­e­brate the twenty-fifth anniver­sary of the Adobe Originals type design pro­gram. This post explores mul­ti­ple mas­ter fonts and Op…
  • Why the Flat Design Trend is Hurting Usability | Vandelay Design

    The flat design trend has tak­en over the graph­ic design world in a very short amount of time. One of the first big inter­faces to go flat was Windows 8. However, it wasn’t until the release of Apple’s iOS 7 last sum­mer, June 10, 2013 that we real­ly saw a huge increase in the many inter­faces, web­sites, apps, and more that adopt­ed a flat design. Before then, most designs were skeuo­mor­phic with lots of 3D effects, gra­di­ents, and texture. ”

  • Photoshop tuto­r­i­al: Fantasy light effects in Photoshop

    Usings Photoshop and Illustrator, it’s pos­si­ble to cre­ate a fan­ta­sy scene using brush­es and blur effects to their fullest.”

  • Freelancing Pitfalls to Avoid
    A free­lancer is essen­tial­ly a one-person com­pa­ny. While you are enjoy­ing the plea­sures of being your own boss with­out the rig­ors of com­pa­ny life, you’re also exposed to all the pit­falls the world of busi­ness is going to dish out. So, you have t…
  • Small-scale pub­lish­ers carve niche

    By far the biggest boom in new titles, how­ev­er, has come from self-published authors. More than 391,000 books were self-published in the US in 2012, an increase of 422 per cent since 2007, Bowker data show. In terms of total book titles bear­ing an ISBN, self-publishing now out­strips all the com­bined titles put out by con­ven­tion­al pub­lish­ers like Random House and Simon & Schuster, which rose to 301,642 in 2012, up 6.1 per cent since 2007.

  • Is All Press Good Press? Making Reporters Fall in Love with Your Startup
    In the world of small busi­ness mar­ket­ing, con­sumers tend choose one prod­uct over anoth­er sole­ly because of how rec­og­niz­able a brand is. While an off-brand prod­uct will usu­al­ly be less expen­sive, many would rather spend the extra cents (or dolla…