Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 23 December 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Is Your Font Racist?
    There can be a fine line between type and stereo­type. Tao Jones colum­nist Jeff Yang explains.Tags: Typography fonts design
  • InDesign 101: Tips I Wish I’d Known When Starting Out
    I love Adobe InDesign. For multi-page doc­u­ments, it’s the most flex­i­ble and com­plete appli­ca­tion out there. Yet I remem­ber how counter-intuitive some things were when I was learn­ing it for the first time. Here are some tips I wish I had known when start­ing out, as well as some answers to ques­tions that oth­ers often ask me. This is not intend­ed to be a man­u­al; some good ones are already out there (although I per­son­al­ly learned by doing). Hopefully, these tips will help you make the best of your day-to-day use of InDesign. If you are prepar­ing a doc­u­ment for print, keep your mar­gins and bleeds in mind from the begin­ning. Your print­er will give you the mea­sure­ments for the bleed, but gen­er­al­ly 1/8 inch or 3 mm should suf­fice. Approximately the same area with­in the doc­u­ment should be kept free of text and impor­tant graph­ic ele­ments (such as the logo). Set up your doc­u­ment for bleed in InDesign as you cre­ate it by select­ing the cor­rect set­tings in the doc­u­ment set-up box.


  • Build Websites Superfast with Foundation 5 [A Guide]

    Zurb Foundation 5 is one of the most pow­er­ful fron­tend frame­works out on the mar­ket. It’s log­i­cal­ly built, easy-to-use and com­plete­ly free. It lets you make use of a flex­i­ble CSS grid that facil­i­tates in the cre­ation of a clean, user-friendly lay­out. The Foundation frame­work is also heav­i­ly test­ed, so it takes care of cross-browser and cross-device com­pat­i­bil­i­ty.

  • 15 Incredibly Useful WordPress Plugins For Effective User Management and Login Process
    If you’re set­ting up a mag­a­zine site, a mem­ber­ship site, or any oth­er WordPress site that requires you to man­age a com­mu­ni­ty of users, you’ll need to give yourTags: WordPress
  • Useful Pointers for Creating an Attractive Header Card in Your Package Design
    Designing a head­er card that will grab your cus­tomer’s atten­tion is a crit­i­cal fac­tor in a shop­per’s over­all deci­sion. Make sure your head­er card stands out!Tags: Design GraphicDesign
  • Print VS Online: 5 Ways A Digital Portfolio Is More Efficient Than A Black Book
    Other than easy acces­si­bil­i­ty, a dig­i­tal port­fo­lio also has oth­er mer­its that make it more effi­cient than a phys­i­cal, hard­copy port­fo­lio. We will touch on these ben­e­fits and point out why hav­ing a dig­i­tal one beats the good ol’ black book. 


  • How I Tripled My Salary in Less Than One Year After Getting Fired

    Then I did five things that com­plete­ly trans­formed my life. Within two months, I was work­ing 50-plus-hour weeks for my own clients and mak­ing six fig­ures – more than twice my pre­vi­ous salary. Today, less than a year lat­er, I’m mak­ing more than three times that orig­i­nal salary.


  • Everything You Should Do at the End of the Year to Optimize Your 2015 Taxes
    It’s sup­posed to be the most won­der­ful time of the year, so tax­es are prob­a­bly the last thing you want to think about. It’s not the most excit­ing thing to do between sip­ping eggnog and wrap­ping gifts, but if you can squeeze in some tax moves by December 31st, it’ll make tax sea­son much less of a headache in April. Here are some year-end moves to make to get the most out of your 2015 tax­es and stay organized.


  • 4 Tips to Name Your New Business
    Wondering how to pick your busi­ness name? Click here to learn to check com­pa­ny name, test it out on peo­ple and more!Tags: Entrepreneur Leadership Startup
  • Top 10 Stubborn Exercise Myths That Just Won’t Die

    For some­thing as essen­tial to life as your health, the fit­ness indus­try is filled with an awful lot of BS. We’re bust­ing some wide­spread myths with a list of our best fit­ness explainers.


  • How to Capture the Milky Way in Photographs

    An increas­ing num­ber of land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers are ven­tur­ing out at night to cap­ture scenes lit by the Moon and stars. The star attrac­tion of the night sky is the Milky Way. It’s sur­pris­ing­ly easy to cap­ture over land­scapes, once you know a few basics.


  • How Publishers Can Use Facebook Instant Articles

    Washington Post pub­lish­er Fred Ryan said, ‘We want to reach cur­rent and future read­ers on all plat­forms, and we aren’t hold­ing any­thing back. Launching Facebook Instant Articles on Facebook enables to give this extreme­ly large audi­ence a faster, more seam­less news read­ing experience..”


  • Most Americans Aren’t Middle Class Anymore
    Presidential hope­fuls from both par­ties have been say­ing through­out the pri­ma­ry cam­paign that the American mid­dle class is in trou­ble. Bernie Sanders says it is…
  • Up and Running with Office for iPads and iPhones
    Learn how to quick­ly become pro­duc­tive with the new Office for iOS suite. Author Nick Brazzi explains the dif­fer­ences between paid and free ver­sion of the apps and steps through com­mon tasks in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. He also explores the file st…
  • Training and the Infinite Return on Investment
    Training pays. Sometimes, it’s easy to under­es­ti­mate just how much it pays. Consider an employ­ee who is going to work 2000 hours for you this year. It’s not unusu­al for an orga­ni­za­tion to spend only 10 or 20 hours training…Tags: Entrepreneur Leaders…
  • What All of Those Confusing Dress Code Terms Really Mean
    You just received an invi­ta­tion to an event or par­ty, and in the dress code sec­tion it says some­thing to the effect of “busi­ness casu­al” or “black tie attire only.” Here’s what all of those dress code terms actu­al­ly mean, and few exam­ples of each to get you off on the right foot.