Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 23 January 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Sock pup­petry and fake reviews: pub­lish and be damned
    Authors are increas­ing­ly being exposed for fab­ri­cat­ing glow­ing reviews for their own books. But why risk ridicule for the sake of a good writeup?Tags: Writing
  • Worth read­ing: Merlin Mann on Entrepreneurship, Writing, Broadcasting, and Not F*cking Up Your Life and Career

    When we mythol­o­gize our­selves, we tend to ampli­fy the things that turned out okay and try to turn the fail­ures or lack of suc­cess into some­thing we learned from. You can do any­thing to make your life look real­ly grand. It’s a shame that so many peo­ple find it dif­fi­cult to do the things they’d like to do because they feel cowed by seem­ing­ly suc­cess­ful peo­ple who appear to nev­er do any­thing wrong, or always learn from their mis­takes. That just rings as a lot of B.S. and self-mythology to me.

  • WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal (Plus Infographic)

    If you are about to start cre­at­ing your own web­site, you may be won­der­ing which CMS (Content Management System) is the best choice. Choosing a CMS is need­ed if you don’t know how to code and/or just want a web­site up and run­ning as fast as pos­si­ble. If this is the case then there are three main options to choose from: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.


  • How to Recommend eBooks for Libraries to Add to Their Catalog
    Some pub­lic libraries allow cus­tomers to rec­om­mend spe­cif­ic ebook titles for the library to pur­chase and add to their online cat­a­log for lending.Tags: eprdctn
  • Your Mac’s Firewall is Off By Default: Do You Need to Enable It?

    Mac OS X ships with a built-in fire­wall, but it’s not enabled by default. The Windows fire­wall has been enabled by default ever since worms like Blaster infect­ed all those vul­ner­a­ble Windows XP sys­tems, so what gives?


  • Review: Open e‑book for­mat comes with headaches – Yahoo Finance
    NEW YORK (AP) – In the world of e‑books, you large­ly have a choice between Amazon’s Kindle and every­one else.Tags: eprd­ctn EPUB
  • 35 Finest UI Tools Every Designer Should Know

    Since the ‘inter­face’ is the first thing a user notices of a web­site, it demands a lot of cre­ativ­i­ty. Essential UI design­ing tools and resources are a must to help you design a web­site eas­i­er, faster, and ulti­mate­ly more use­ful for your vis­i­tors. However, with the avail­abil­i­ty of so many UI tools, it’s quite chal­leng­ing to sep­a­rate the good from the bad. So today, we’ve tak­en the guess work out and we’re giv­ing you with a list of some top-notch UI tools that I’ve per­son­al­ly used over time. All the tools are unique­ly help­ful with a lot of fea­tures that will enable you to design a great, func­tion­al inter­face for your audience.
